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Fall Charity Challenge Virtual 5K Run/Walk

Sat August 8 - Sat October 31 Pendleton, IN 46064 US


113 N. Pendleton Ave.
Pendleton, IN US 46064


Welcome to the first Pendleton Tri Kappa sponsored Fall Charity Challenge Run.  This is a great way to stay fit and moving and safely enjoy time outdoors either alone or with family and friends.  It’s also for a great cause!  Your registration fee will go towards a “Fall Charity Challenge” t-shirt, Donations to 4 great Madison County charities, and Funding for Pendleton Tri Kappa to use throughout the year for its philanthropy fund.  This fund provides monies to be distributed to many organizations and individuals throughout Madison County and the State of Indiana.  Some of these include:  the local library's Read and Feed and children's programs, the senior art show, the Pendleton historical museum, Best Buddies, Riley Children's Hospital, provision of college scholarships to high school seniors, and an end of the year dinner/recognition program for our high school special needs classes.  Money is also distributed throughout the year as individual and community needs arises.  During the last year, Pendleton Tri Kappa provided monetary relief for a number of individuals who experienced damage secondary the Memorial Day tornado as well as assisting in the provision of monetary relief toward payment of utility bills for individuals who were adversely effected by the Coronavirus Pandemic.  When you sign up, you can rest assured, you are doing something positive for yourself and many, many others in your community and county.

As part of this year's Charity Challenge, we have selected (4) local charities who will receive donations.  The top male and female finishers in each age group will be asked to select the charity of their choice to receive the set aside "prize money" donation.  "Prize money" donations amounts are as follows:

  • Ages 21 +:   $200 to an organization selected by the top finishing male and $200 to an organization selected by the top finishing female
  • Ages 14-20: $100 to an organization selected by the top finishing male and $100 to an organization selected by the top finishing female
  • Ages 13 and under:  $50 to an organization selected by the top finishing male and $50 to an organization selected by the top finishing female

The (4) Organizations Selected this Year to be eligible for "Prize Money" donations are:

  • Outfitters
  • Madison County Food Pantry
  • Madison County Animal Protection League
  • South Madison Nurses (for school medical supplies)

Run or walk your virtual race anytime and anyplace.  Simply return to this sight to submit your 5K run or walk time.  Remember, we are using the honor system when recording times. Participants may run or walk their event anytime between their registration date and October 31, 2020.  On November 1, 2020, times will no longer be able to be submitted.  Winners will be announced on November 5, 2020, so be thinking what organization you would like your "prize money" donated to.

The cost to participate is only $35.00 per person. To allow as much money as possible to be directed toward our charities, please register as many participants as possible in one transaction. 


Tri Kappa is a 501(c)(3) organization bringing women into close, unselfish relationship for the promotion of charity, culture, and education.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at


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