Oswego Police Department Cadet Corps Unit #1833
The Oswego Police Department began their youth program in 2011 as an Exploring Post, then known as the Oswego Police Department Explorer's Post 3525. In 2023, the group transitioned over to the Public Safety Cadets and is now known as the Oswego Police Department Cadet Corps Unit #1833 and members are individually referred to as Junior Cadets.
The Public Safety Cadets mission is mentoring young adults to serve their communities by providing knowledge, skills and practical experiences through education and training delivered by public safety professionals that build character, physical fitness and respect for the rule of law.
At the local level, our Cadet Corps meets regularly and learns Illinois statutes, police tactics, CSI, Drill and Ceremony, and traffic control. They develop practical skills such as resume building and interviewing and are First Aid / AED / CPR certified to ensure they have the tools necessary to succeed. Our Cadets frequently continue with the Oswego Police Department as Community Service Officers or join our Cadet Program, where they can receive college tuition. They also go on to become Police Officers or join the military. We are very proud of the young men and women who have left our ranks and gone on to become servants to their communities and our nation.
Our Cadet Corps meets on the first and third Wednesday of every month from 6:00pm – 9:00pm. Junior Cadets also have the opportunity to ride-along with Officers every month to further their understanding of law enforcement and the role Officers play within the community.
Our program is supported through fundraising efforts of the Cadet Corps. Our headline event is the Annual Car & Truck Show Fundraiser. We also host an annual "I Raced the Law 5K and Fun Run."
Funds raised purchase Cadet Corps uniforms and equipment, as well as allow them to participate in the Public Safety Cadets’ National Competition, which occurs every two years. More information on the Public Safety Cadets national organization can be found at www.publicsafetycadets.org.
The Cadet Corps also partners with the Illinois Law Enforcement Explorer Association which conducts statewide trainings, meetings, and competitions.