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Idaho High Mountain Triathlon

Sat October 4, 2025 Yellow Pine, ID 83677 US Directions

Details of each "leg"

This event is a point-to-point race and has two transitions. 

SWIM - 1.6k
● Begins at the swim beach/dock at North Shore Lodge.

● Volunteers will be checking for timing chips, the correct swim cap color and bib numbers.

● The race is a “gun start” and your time will begin when the race official counts down and says “go”. This activates the timing chip.

● Each wave has a designated swim cap color that can be found in your bag. The number on your race cap should be the same as the bib number, wet-bag tag number, T2 Gear bag number, and bike tag.  If it is not, immediately locate one of the race volunteers.

● The start line for athletes on foot is the line drawn in the sand.  The start line for the seated athletes is the covered area of the dock. Swim with the buoys on your right. You will need to swim around the end buoy and back.  The return point is clearly marked with a different color buoy.

● There will be watercraft with safety personnel on the route and on the beach.

● Personal watercraft will be along the route if you need to rest. You are allowed to rest against the watercraft for less than a minute but then must continue or forfeit.

● If you exit the water before the swim finish line or need to be removed for any reason, you will be required to forfeit your timing chip and are disqualified from the race. You will not be allowed to continue the remaining disciplines.

● No snorkels or flotation devices of any kind are allowed. If you are not comfortable swimming in open water unaided, then do not register. Only visually-impaired athletes are allowed to have guides on the swim course.

● No refunds, credits, transfers or deferrals allowed for any reason even if you are removed from the water by a race official or lifeguard for your own safety.

● The swim finish is at the start line on the beach or dock.  You will exit the water and will cross the timing line to give you a swim split.

● T1 is to the right as you exit the swim beach or dock. Look for the sign that says “Bike Start”. The bike leg timing begins at that point. Follow the course signs and arrows painted on the roadbed. 

● Spectators are welcome along the shore to cheer on their swimmers but not on the starting line of the beach.

BIKE - 45k
● Bike helmets must be worn at all times from the moment you mount the bike to the moment you dismount. Riders will not be allowed on the bike course without one and if you are  caught not wearing one you will be disqualified and removed from the course.

● From T1 bikers leave the lodge area toward the parking lot. Then turn right on Shoreline Road and ride to Warm Lake Highway.  Follow the signs east over the summit to Landmark intersection. The road up to Warm Lake Summit averages 10% to 11% grade.  The first curve at the bottom of the hill is a 12% grade. The Warm Lake grade is approximately 3.5 miles long. Athletes continue on Warm Lake Highway to the intersection at Landmark. Turn north (left) and continue on Johnson Creek Road (FR413).  Johnson Creek Road is dirt/gravel.

The bike leg ends at T2, the north gate of Cox Ranch. The course is not closed to traffic. Please ride on the right side and only pass on the left. Be aware of road edges. There are some significant drop offs. 

● The Johnson Creek Road has several 10% grades and two 12% grades (Rustican and Halfway Creek canyons.) These are all downhill.  Be aware the 12% grades are each one mile long and are quite narrow.  There will be flaggers at the bottom of Rustican Creek grade and the Halfway Creek grade to hold traffic.  This does not guarantee athletes will not meet traffic on these sections.

● A flagger will hold traffic as bikers merge on/off the highway, and at Yellow Pine.  Please follow the rules of the road at all times. The only exception would be if law enforcement or traffic control officials wave bikers through. Always be alert and proceed with caution.

● Bikers must have a bike tag with a number on their bicycle and a timing chip on their ankle. Athletes are expected to call out their bib number when passing Aid Stations. This is for your safety. The bike course includes Aid Stations #2 and #3.

● Aid Station Volunteers will be taking pictures/video of passing athletes to track bib numbers for safety.

● Bikers should not impede the normal and reasonable movement of vehicle traffic and should ride on the right side of the road.  Be aware of narrow road conditions and drop offs.  Idaho State law requires that bicyclists ride in a single file line and never two abreast.

● Passing is to be done only on the left and should only be done when it is safe and legal to do so. The roads are not closed to traffic and this is the backcountry area where people and animals are out on the roads at all times.

● Enjoy the epic views but don’t forget to keep your eyes on the road.

● Drafting on the bike during a triathlon is illegal and will incur a timing penalty of 3 minutes. A second drafting offense will lead to the racer being disqualified.

● Volunteers in off road vehicles along the bike and run course will monitor and watch for emergency assistance needs.  These volunteers are in radio contact with our Medical Teams.

● If you are in an accident or have mechanical issues please move off to the right side of the road as much as possible. All racers are responsible to be aware of their surroundings at all times. Volunteers will be patrolling the route to watch for athletes needing assistance.

RUN - 13k
● T2 is at the north gate of Cox’s Ranch.  The Run course start (timing point) is at the north end of T2.  Look for the sign that says “Run Start”.

● Follow Johnson Creek Road to Yellow Pine and the finish line. 

Athletes are expected to call out their bib number when passing Aid Stations. This is for your safety. The run course includes Aid Stations #5 and #6.

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