The Tongass Treks Challenge season is almost here! Registration opens April 1st and you can begin your hikes to log anytime from May 1 through September 30th!
The Ketchikan Running Club is excited to bring back the Tongass Treks Challenge: a virtual hiking challenge that invites everyone to get outside and enjoy the beautiful trails that our area has to offer. The goal is to complete at least 6 of our selected trails over the spring and summer months starting May 1st and ending September 30th.
You will have the ability to log your miles, track your progress, share photos, win prizes and see how you rank up to others on the leader board.
*UPDATE* SWAG pick up will be limited this year to 1x per month at designated location. Please check our website, Facebook page, and/or email for more information!
Participants should take a picture with their Treks swag at the designated landmark along each of the trails. The trails include:
- Deer Mountain 5.5 miles total & landmark: Deer Mountain Shelter or Summit
- Dude Mountain 3 miles total & landmark: summit
- Salvage Loop 3 miles total & landmark: tunnel
- Carlanna Lake 3 miles total & landmark: avalanche chute before Minerva
- Perseverance 4.8 miles total & landmark: lake / tent platform
- Upper Silvis 6 miles total & landmark: lake
- Lower Silvis 4 miles total & landmark: lake
- Whitman Lake Trail < 2 miles total & landmark: Whitman Dam or Achilles Creek Dam
*BONUS* Traverse Deer Mountain to/from Lower Silvis 13.75 miles & landmark: rope ladder
*ALTERNATE BONUS* Mahoney Mountain 11 miles total & landmark: summit marker (blank wooden sign)
Back by popular demand: Each month we will have a mystery hike challenge that will be announced!
Don't forget to invite your friends and family to this challenge and please join our Ketchikan Running Club's facebook event "Tongass Treks Challenge" ( for updates and inspiration. #tongasstrekschallenge #ketchikanrunningclub
If you're interested in providing sponsorship/donation, please reach out to
Trek Website
Additional Trek information can be found at
Trek Contact Info
Ketchikan, AK US 99901
Trek Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your trek experience.