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16th Annual Spring Scramble 5K

Sat May 14, 2022 Birmingham, AL 35209 US Directions


5K Run

6:00PM CDT - 8:30PM CDT


Trak Shak Homewood
2839 18th St. S
Birmingham, AL US 35209


On Saturday, May 14th, the UAB Pediatrics Residency Program will host the 16th Annual Spring Scramble 5K Road Race! We are excited to continue this annual tradition in Homewood, AL. The event begins at 6 p.m., and the race will start promptly at 6:30 p.m. Back by popular demand, we will also have a Virtual 5K race option (t-shirt and race packet included)! Race packets and swag bags can be picked up at Trak Shak on race day starting at 1pm. If you are running virtually, your t-shirt and race packet will be mailed to you after the event.

The race will be followed by music, food with Hero Donuts burgers/sandwiches and Steel City Pops, and amazing door prizes! Medals will be awarded by age group and a special trophy will be awarded to the Department/Division with the most participants! This event is family (including runners with strollers) and dog-friendly, so bring your whole crew to enjoy the event.

The Spring Scramble helps promote the health and well-being of the Birmingham area's children. This year, the funds will go toward our resident-run community outreach and advocacy organization, the Coat of Arms. The group's efforts are numerous including: local health fairs, Reach Out and Read, infant safe sleep initiatives, and holiday gift drives. Funds help to provide much-needed items such as books and helmets to our patients in primary care settings.

Looking for another way to support our cause? Click here to directly donate!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


MapMyRun Map

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