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Candor Power Hour Virtual 5K

Fri December 11 - Sun December 13 Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 US


Where YOU Are!
Tuscaloosa, AL US 35404


Choose YOUR Mark, Get Set, SNOW!  Covid restrictions do not currently allow for a Candor Power Hour Reindeer Games, so we are opting instead to do a Virtual 5K!  Here's all the info!

Who:  YOU!  Or anyone you think might want to participate for this awesome cause! 

What:  Virtual 5K (Roll, walk or Run a distance you measure at a time that works for you!)

When:  Anytime Friday December 11th - Sunday December 13th!

Where:  Anywhere!  But if you choose to socially distance WITH us, we are meeting at Snow Hinton Park Pavilion at 10 AM to kick off the race at 11AM together! 

Why:  Because Candor Power Hour is still very much a thing!  Proceeds will go towards Power Hour costs (like tennis clinics with University of Alabama head wheelchiar tennis coach, Evan Enquist, and meals for Power Hour families during 2021!  )

How:  Sign up HERE and then share on social media with the #candorpowerhour5k

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