Race Website
Additional race information can be found at http://www.omegas4pca.org.
Little Rock, AR US 72202
The 12th Annual Omega Prostate/Colon Cancer Awareness 5K Run/ Walk is a race event for which all the proceeds are donated in support of The Arkansas Prostate Cancer Foundation, American Cancer Society and scholarships for High School students.
We are grateful for the continued opportunity to raise money to help these two organization and continue to provide scholarships to deserving high school students. With the support of the community, last year we increased our participants to over 267 runners and walkers and we were able to raise $5,715.62 above expenses that has been distributed to support the Arkansas Prostate Cancer Foundation, the American Cancer Society and scholarships for deserving high school students through the Omegas of Greater Little Rock, Incorporated non- profit corporation. These organizations greatly appreciate the support that you gave to last year’s event.
Too many men will hear the words “You have prostate cancer” in this calendar year. Our goal is to increase the recognition, discussion, education, and promotion of yearly screenings for prostate and Colon cancer. According to the latest prostate cancer statistics from the National Cancer Institute, about 240,000 men will receive a diagnosis of prostate cancer, and about 33,000 men will die of the disease. Overall, about 17%, or 1 in 6 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. More than 2.5 million men in America are now living with a diagnosis of prostate cancer. Reports show that prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among men in the United States, accounting for about 11% of cancer related deaths in men. Colon Cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in men and women combined in the United States. The American Cancer Society estimates that this year 136,830 people will be diagnosed and 50,310 will die from this disease.
Thank you in advance for your continued support to help us knock out Prostate and Colon cancer!
For more information about the 2024 Omega Prostate Cancer/Colon Cancer Awareness 5K Run/Walk,
please Contact:
Jay Hartman Event Chairman
2024 Omega Prostate/Colon Cancer Awareness Virtual 5K
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
2024 Pre-race Packet Pickup
Pre-race Packet Pickup date is Friday, September 13th, 2024 – 11am to 5pm
Pre-race Packet Pickup location is Fleet Feet Sports/Little Rock located at 11525 Cantrell Rd. Ste. 206, Little Rock, AR 72212
For more information contact Jay Hartman @ 501-944-4267 or via email @ info@omegas4pca.org or visit www.omegas4pca.org
2024 Sponsorship Letter
March 18, 2024
Dear Community Partner:
It is a rare opportunity to be an integral part of an event that offers not only national branding opportunities and messaging for your company but also helps to save and change lives. That very opportunity presents itself today. The Omegas of Greater Little Rock, Incorporated is a non-profit corporation made up of members of Pi Omicron Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. located in Little Rock, Arkansas. Since its inception in 1946, the Pi Omicron Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. has been viewed as a vital part of uplifting the Little Rock community. The men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. have been trailblazers in the professional and community sectors across the country since 1911. The organization was created and strives to live by its four cardinal principles Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift.
We invite you to partner with us for the Omega Prostate Cancer Awareness 5K run/walk to be held in Little Rock, Arkansas on September 14, 2024. The men of Omegas of Greater Little Rock have partnered with the Arkansas Prostate Cancer Foundation for this event to support Prostate Cancer awareness. Too many men will hear the words “You have prostate cancer” in this calendar year. Our goal is to increase the recognition, discussion, education, and promotion of yearly screenings for prostate cancer. According to the latest prostate cancer statistics from the National Cancer Institute, about 240,000 men will receive a diagnosis of prostate cancer, and about 33,000 men will die of the disease. Overall, about 17%, or 1 in 6 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. More than 2.5 million men in America are now living with a diagnosis of prostate cancer. Reports show that prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among men in the United States, accounting for about 11% of cancer related deaths in men. Colon Cancer is the third most diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in men and women combined in the United States.
Your corporate support will play an immeasurable role in increasing awareness, education and action concerning prostate and colon cancer. We plan to gradually expand this event nationwide through media coverage, notable sponsorships, and through other Omega Chapters partnering with Cancer Organizations in other states. We are preparing for gradual growth as we have created the website www.omegas4pca.org which will constantly be updated. We are honored to have renowned and respected local figures ranging from professional sports, civic leaders, politicians, and others taking a prominent role in this event. We are looking for organizations to become permanent annual sponsors but will also accept sponsors on a year-by-year basis, as we understand that the nation’s economy changes organizations financial status from year to year.
This event was established in 2012 with focus on education, early detection, and dissolving the fear of the test as well as increasing the importance of getting tested. We have raised thousands of dollars for the Arkansas Prostate Cancer Foundation over the years as this event has grown. We need your help to reach our goal of making this a nationwide event.
Your corporate sponsorship will have a life changing effect
Sponsor Opportunities available include:
* Your corporate name and logo on all Omega Prostate/Colon Cancer Awareness 5K collateral materials to promote the event including websites, social media, and all media appearances.
*Your corporate logo will be displayed in all promotional events and race day.
* Your corporate promotional items, coupons, or goods will be put in every participant’s goody bag, and each sponsor will receive five to ten complimentary race registrations depending on sponsor level.
Event Sponsorship Levels:
$2,000 Platinum Level Sponsor: You will be listed as a Platinum Level Sponsor. 1) Your name and logo will be listed in bold on all materials that are developed to promote the event including (i.e. Social media, Websites, and Media appearances). 2) Your promotional items will be included in the Goody Bags provided to each participant. 3) A link to your website will be provided on the event website. 4) You will have booth space to display additional promotional materials or services at the gathering area at the race. 5) You will receive 15 complimentary race entries.
$1,500 Royal Purple Level Sponsor: You will be listed as a Royal Purple Level Sponsor. 1) Your name and logo will be listed on all materials that are developed to promote the event including (i.e. Social media, Websites, and media appearances). 2) Your promotional items will be included in the Goody Bags provided to each participant. 3) You will have the opportunity for your personnel to serve as volunteers for water/nourishment stations, or finish line. 4) You will receive 10 complimentary race entries.
$1,000 Old Gold Level Sponsor: You will be listed as an Old Gold Level Sponsor. 1) Your name and logo will be listed on all materials that are developed to promote the event including (i.e. Social media, Websites, and media appearances). 2) Your promotional items will be included in the Goody Bags provided to each participant. 3) You will receive 5 complimentary race entries.
$500 Friend of Omega Level Sponsor: You will be listed as a Friend of Omega Level Sponsor on promotional material and your promotional items will be included in the Goody Bags provided to each participant.
To ensure your company is listed as a sponsor donations/ intention must be received no later than July 31, 2024. Donations are tax deductible and a W-9 form can be provided upon receipt of your contribution. Mail donations to:
Omegas of Greater Little Rock
P.O. Box 165442
Little Rock, Arkansas 72216
(Please make all checks payable to Omegas of Greater Little Rock.)
Please provide a photo ready copy of your logo or a clear description of how you would like to have your sponsorship characterized. If you have any questions, please call Jay Hartman at (501) 954-5132.
Thank you for making a life-affirming commitment to make a positive change in the lives of men and women.
Sincerely yours,
Jay C. Hartman Morris Williams Jr.
Event Chairman President Omegas of Greater Little Rock Omegas of Greater Little Rock
Morris Williams Jr.
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.

Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.