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VanSCAD2021 Virtual Run Walk Bike

Sun January 31 - Sat February 6 Vancouver, BC V5Z1M9 CA


5K Run/Walk

12:00AM PST - 11:59PM PST

50K Bike Ride

12:00AM PST - 11:59PM PST

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Vancouver SCAD Clinic
Vancouver, BC CA V5Z1M9


Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) is a life-threatening condition in which a tear occurs in the arterial wall of the heart. This tear blocks blood flow to the heart causing a heart attack, sudden cardiac arrest and sometimes death. Although SCAD is considered a rare condition, it is one of the leading causes of heart attacks in young to middle-age women who are otherwise healthy and who have few or no risk factors for heart disease.

Join us for our 3rd VanSCAD Fundraising event, which will be a non-competitive virtual 5K Run/Walk or 50k bike ride, to advance our knowledge and management of this rare and challenging condition. This event is also a platform to build awareness and for the SCAD community to come together, share knowledge and empower each other. We welcome all patients, friends, families, health care providers and supporters to join us.

Race Contact Info

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