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CMS 5K Walk/Run

Sun October 9, 2016 Hamilton, HMFX BM


5K Walk/Run

8:00AM ADT - 12:00PM ADT
Open to ages 12+.

Virtual 5K Walk/Run

8:00AM ADT - 12:00PM ADT
Open to ages 12+.


Bernard Park
Hamilton, BM HMFX


The CMS 5k Walk/Run will be taking place Sunday September 25, 2016 at 8:00. The event will have a specific ‘run and roll’ category with prizes for children on bikes, children in strollers, persons pushing strollers and any other self-powered mode of transportation. The CMS 5K event is open to all and has been mapped out on a relatively flat scenic course to accommodate all ages and participants on wheels. There are competitive categories also; the walk and run competition is being timed and participant numbers will be issued on the day to accommodate late entrants, who may sign up on that morning. The Clara Mohammed School [CMS], a non-profit organisation, registered Bermuda charity #647. CMS has organised this event at minimal cost to ensure the proceeds can benefit its intended recipients. Part proceeds will be distributed to Meals on Wheels and the Women's Resource Centre with the majority of the proceeds benefiting the CMS students. Volunteers will be assisting CMS with the event. Participants in all categories will be receiving refreshments and participation gifts donated from variety of sponsors.

Number Handout

Will occur the morning of the event at the start area.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Route Map

Depart Bernard’s Park, head north to Blackwatch Pass, west onto Spanish Point round-a-bout, turn east onto St. John’s Road and then return to Bernard Park.

Support CMS

CMS strives to provide a positive impact on the community by providing events such as the Walk/Run and donating part of the proceeds to other charities. Our goal is to provide resources to benefit CMS sudents.


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