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TBA Discovery Bay, CA 94505 US Directions



8:00AM PDT


8:30AM PDT


8:45AM PDT

Race Postponed!

New Date: TBA

The Delta Dash 5K/10K & 1-Mile has been postponed to a later date. Please check back soon for updated information!

Here Are Your Options:

We will transfer your registration to the new event date once it is set, and look forward to having you join us. Thanks for your patience!


Join the Discovery Bay Community Foundation for the Inaugural Delta Dash 1-mile, 5K, 10K at the beautiful Discovery Bay Marina on Sunday, May 17. What a fabulous way to spend a Sunday!

This event is a fundraiser for all local schools including Discovery Bay Elementary, Timber Point Elementary, All God's Children, Vista Oaks Charter, Byron Institute for Independent Study and Excelsior Middle School!

Bring your school spirit and choose the school you wish to represent! The school with the biggest team takes home the Biggest Team Trophy for the year! It will be up for grabs again next year! Who will win this coveted prize of bragging rights?

Trying to keep costs low while you register your entire flock of seagulls? Choose the NO Shirt option during registration and save $5 per person!


School Teams!

If you are associated with one of the schools please choose your school during registration by clicking on the Join button to the right your distance of choice! It looks like this:
And don't forget to do it! The school with the biggest team will win the coveted Biggest Team Trophy and bragging rights for the year!

Have students at different schools? That's cool, each participant can choose a different school!

Packet Pickup & Race Day Registration

  • Pre-race packet pick-up information will be announced when it is available
  • Race morning from 7:00 to 8:30 am near the start/finish line. Please give yourself plenty of time to get parked, pick up your goods and return them to your car before your event start time.

If you or your friends haven't registered by that time, we encourage you to do so from the comfort of your home then come to the race site to pick up your bib and goodies.

Post Race Activities

Stick around for a while and have some fun with your community!

Don't rush off! We will have food and games for you after you finish your race, whether that be the 1-mile, 5K or 10K! Some food and games may have a fee but rest assured that a portion of that money is going back to our local schools!


Awards will be given to the top three male and female runners in the following age groups for the 5K and 10K:
6 & Under

Runners in the 5K, 10K and 1-mile will receive finishers awards


5901 Marina Road
Discovery Bay Marina
Discovery Bay, CA US 94505

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.




Join this event and invite your friends on Facebook.

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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