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Sat October 17, 2020 Port Hueneme Cbc Base, CA 93043 US Directions


18 & over to participate; 21 & over to drink

Active Duty & Spouse

6:00PM PDT - 9:00PM PDT
Open to ages 18+.
18 & over to participate; 21 & over to drink

DOD, Retired & Guest

6:00PM PDT - 9:00PM PDT
Open to ages 18+.


Dukes Place Parking Lot: BLDG. 1467
Port Hueneme Cbc Base, CA US 93043


Saturday, October 17th at Duke's Place Building 1467 Duke; Check-in time 6:00pm.   

Deadline to register is Wednesday, October 14th.   

Open to All Hands Age 18 & up, must be 21 or older to consume alcohol.  

Cost includes Canvas, Paint, Instruction, & 2 Beverages.   


Paint & Sip Contact Info

If you have any questions about this Paint & Sip, click the button below.


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