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30 Day World Record Fitness Challenge

Mon April 6 - Wed May 6 San Diego, CA 92101 US


Virtual Event
San Diego, CA US 92101


In an effort to motivate & inspire, since this is Joe Decker's 20 year Guinness Book anniversary, he decided to come up with a fun & engaging challenge. Joe based it upon the 24 Hour World Record with a few modifications to make it more comprehensive.

- 100 miles running/walking = 3.3 miles/day
- 3,000 ab crunches = 100/day
- 1,100 push-ups = 37/day
- 1,100 jumping jacks = 37/day
- 1,000 burpees = 34/day (instead of leg lifts)
- BONUS: 300 pull-ups = 10/day (instead of rowing)

This is an advanced fitness challenge and that last thing we want is for you to get injured. If you are just getting started, feel free to cut the mileage & reps in half or take 2 months to complete it. Again, it’s more for motivation & friendly competitive fun. Also, as we’re doing it virtually, it’s entirely based upon the US Military ‘Honor System.” Please do not cheat as you’re truly only cheating yourself.
To hold yourself accountable & for us to keep track of you, please tag @GutCheckFitness on FB and/or Instagram.

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