Santa Barbara, CA US 93109
Given the recent covid-19 outbreak the 2020 event is canceled. More details to come for those already registered....
TheSanta Barbara Chardonnay 10-Miler & 5K is the premier spring running event in Santa Barbara. The beautiful Santa Barbara shoreline remains the race venue where you will enjoy spectacular ocean and mountain views.
Delicious breakfast burritos included in your entry!!! Music, festivities and post-race wine tasting offered by new and established local wineries. Rain or Shine!!!
Experience this annual tradition running event along the beautiful oceanfront, and join us for music, good food, and wine tasting.
10 Mile age-group awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will receive a local bottle of wine from our sponsors.
5K age-group awards 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.
Post-race wine tasting tickets may be purchased at time of registration. Additional taco party and wine tickets available for purchase. Race day!!!!
Entry fee schedule (Register Now to Save)
Now - February 1st
10-Miler $50
5K $40 .
Feb 2nd - March 26th
10 miler $60
5k 45
March 27th - April 10th
10 miler $70
5k $50
Race Day
10 miler $80
5k $55
T-shirt availability can not be guaranteed for race entrants. NO REFUNDS.
Packet Pickup
Friday, April 10th. Location TBD
RACE DAY: Packet pickup/late registration will also be available race day at Leadbetter Beach Park beginning at 6:45am.
10-Miler and 5K start at 8:00am.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.