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Santa Clara High School PTSA Presents Virtual 5k walk/run

Sat April 24 - Sun May 9 Santa Clara, CA 95051 US Directions


3000 Benton Street
Santa Clara, CA US 95051


We’re back with a family friendly 5k and Fun Run.  You guessed it! 

Please join us for the 2021 – Virtual Santa Clara High School Fun Run & 5K, presented by and benefiting the SCHS PTSA. Your support matters as PTSA provides teacher grants and scholarships for graduating seniors, right here at Santa Clara High School!

Run, Walk, Cycle, Roll. . . Hop, Skip or Jump your way to the finish line anytime from Saturday, April 24th through Sunday, May 9th.  

Be sure to share with your friends and family near and far.  Virtual means you can participate anywhere!

Just run your 5k using the tool of your choosing to track your time and upload your time after completion. 

#SCHSPTSA #ForTheKids #5K #FunRun #Virtual5K #Spring2021 #SpringFunRun

*Student, Adult and Family pricing can be found under the Event Info tab - click on +Show Registration Details to display. Pricing will be modified in your cart as participant details are added and entered.

*Santa Clara High School PTSA mission: is to positively impact the lives of all children and families.  Your support will help accomplish this mission.

Race Contact Info

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Race Participant Survey

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