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Fort Yuma Holidays VIRTUAL 5k Triple Crown

Fri November 19 - Sun January 2 Winterhaven, CA 92283 US



Run/Walk Anywhere
Winterhaven, CA US 92283


FORT YUMA HOLIDAYS 5k Fun Run/Walk series

                                                  VIRTUAL EVENT!

                                                   Pre-register for:

                       Racer T-shirt - Participation Medal - Virtual Bib


You can run or walk wherever and whenever. will be used to track miles and times. A profile will be created using registration information.


Pre-registration deadline (11/24/2021): $35 per person- includes *Racer T-shirt, finisher medal, and printable virtual bib.

Individual signups is FREE

Deadline to register individually:

Thanksgiving Turkey Trot (11/25/2021)- Printable virtual bib number         

Christmas Fun Run (12/25/2021)- Printable virtual bib number

New Year 5k Fun Run (12/31/2021)- Printable virtual bib number


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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