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Virtual 5K Walk/Run for a Girl's Freedom

Wed July 1 - Fri July 31 Your City, CA 00000 US



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Your City, CA US 00000


Join us for a virtual 5K Walk/Run for a Girl's Freedom. 

As we celebrate our nation's freedom during the month of July, walk or run for a girl's freedom! This is a great way to honor these young victims of child sex trafficking. 

The best part about a virtual walk/run is that you have all of July to complete your 5K (3.1 miles) and you can do it wherever you'd like! Get friends involved and walk/run with them.  

Haven't walked or run a 5K?  Don't worry, here are some easy training schedules.  Click here for a 5K walk training schedule or click here for a 5K run training schedule.  


Our virtual 5K walk/run is a great way to fundraise for New Day! Our Goal is to raise $30,000.

Fundraising is easy and there are great prizes for the amount you raise. Have friends, family and colleagues sponsor you for this great walk/run! Just think if you ask 10 people to sponsor you for $20 that's an easy $200 you've raised for New Day and that's just the beginning! 


Registration is $35 for adults if you chose not to fundraise. Kids/students 6-22 years old are $10 (this amount will be reflected at checkout) and kids 5 and under are free!  At this level of registration, you'll receive a reusable collapsible water bottle (click here to view) that we'll mail to you in early August.

Fundraise for New Day and you'll receive fun "swag" for your efforts!. Here are the levels you can commit to: 

A Liberty fundraiser will raise $250. Fundraising this amount will provide a girl with 5 therapy sessions. For your commitment to achieve this level, you'll receive a New Day logo'd long sleeve tech shirt along with the collapsible water bottle (view here)

An Independence fundraiser will raise $500. Fundraising this amount will provide room and board for a girl for one month.  For your commitment to achieve this level of fundraising, you will receive a 20 oz Hydro flask, the New Day logo'd long sleeve tech shirt along with the collapsible water bottle (view here)

An Abolitionist fundraiser will raise $1,000+. Fundraising this amount will provide 6 days at a therapeutic horse camp. Or will give the gift of learning by providing private tutors –to help the girls catch up in school. For your commitment to achieve this level of fundraising, you'll receive a custom ordered New Day logo'd OGIO Endurance Sonar Full-zip jacket, a 20 oz Hydro flask, the New Day logo'd long sleeve tech shirt along with the collapsible water bottle (view here). The jacket will be custom ordered and shipped to you in August.

For teams that fundraise, your fundraising amount will be divided by the number of team members to determine the prize level.  



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