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CU Engineers Without Borders Fun-Run!

Thu April 1 - Fri April 30 Boulder, CO 80309 US Directions



1111 Engineering Drive
422 UCB
Boulder, CO US 80309


OUR EWB Fun Run raises funds for the University of Colorado Boulder's Engineers Without Borders (EWB) chapter to continue our work on water projects around the world. Our Fun Run is meant to be inclusive and flexible. Choose whatever level of difficulty you want! Register now and participate anywhere, anytime during April. Track your distance walking your dog in a week, or the elevation you hike on the weekend with friends or even set a fitness challenge for April. If you just want to donate and don't want to participate in the race, no worries, any contribution helps us continue our work!

After the 1st of April, be sure to keep us posted by entering your results through this website. Five randomly chosen participants will be the lucky recipients of some EWB swag! 

All entrance fees and donations will go directly to water access projects in Nepal, Rwanda, and Guatemala. For more information about what we do, please visit our website:

Thank you and happy running! 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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