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South Windsor MOMS Club Jack Be Nimble 5K & Itsy Bitsy Spider 100-Yard Kids Dash

Sun May 17, 2020 South Windsor, CT 06074 US Directions


5K - Youth (18 & under)

10:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT


Nevers Park
Chief Ryan Way
South Windsor, CT US 06074


***Please Note: Due to the constantly evolving concerns over Covid-19. We have made the difficult decision to cancel the event. We really appreciate your support.***

The South Windsor MOMS Club, in partnership with the South Windsor Department of Parks and Recreation is holding its FIRST ever Jack be Nimble 5K race event in support of ­­­­­the Wood Memorial Library’s Nowashe Village Preschool Programs! Please join us for a stroller friendly 5K event at Nevers Park on May 17, 2020 at 10 am.  Awards will be given to the first males finishing the race with and without a stroller and the first females finishing the race with and without a stroller as well as the first youth finisher. All 5K finishers will receive a custom medal. Registration for the 5K is $25 for participants over the age of 18 and $15 for participants under the age of 18.

In addition to the timed 5K event we are also hosting a children’s Itsy Bitsy Spider Dash on May 17, 2020 at 9:30!  Children ages 2-7 will run a 100 yard dash in two heats according to age. Registration for the Itsy Bitsy Spider Dash will be accepted the day of the event ONLY. Registration for children ages 2-7 who would like to run the Itsy Bitsy Spider Dash is $5. This can be paid via paypal, credit card, or cash the day of the event. All children participants will receive a customizable runner’s bib and a participation sticker!

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