2025 GLOBAL "IN THEIR SHOES 5K" to Benefit Iraqi Orphans & Vulnerable Children
5220 16th St NW - Parking
Washington, DC US 20011
Join us September 6 at 8am for our 13th annual 5K run/walk to benefit Iraqi orphans and vulnerable children! Participate in-person at beautiful Rock Creek National Park in Washington, DC or join us virtually from ANYWHERE in the world. Come for the run/walk. Stay for the after-party with snacks, music, and other activities. Check-in starts at 7am. Free parking at 5220 16th St.NW, Washington, DC. No race day registrations.
Together, we can do more than we can alone! Organize your own 5K team or start a fundraiser for Iraqi children. Awards go to the largest 5K team and the biggest fundraiser. The run/walk is on, rain or shine unless there is dangerous weather. No refunds.
The Iraqi Children Foundation (ICF) intervenes in the lives of Iraqi kids who are vulnerable to abuse, neglect, and recruitment by criminals, traffickers, and extremists. Across Iraq - from Baghdad to Mosul and Fallujah - ICF provides loving care to orphans and vulnerable children through education, legal protection, nutrition, rescue from the streets and child labor, medical and disability care, and fun! ICF is a nonpartisan, nonsectarian US based, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charity (26-1394773). Learn more about us here.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.