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Sat April 4, 2020 Newark, DE 19711 US Directions


Race is cancelled for 2020 due to COVID-19

We are all experiencing unprecedented change and uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Placers team is committed to continuing our mission with our Acts of Kindness Promise. In keeping with the spirit of that mission, we are also working diligently to ensure we keep our promises to Preston’s March and the 20 amazing children awaiting their bikes. 

We originally decided to postpone the race to a later date in 2020. However, based on the uncertain climate of when groups will once again be permitted to gather recreationally, we have decided to cancel this year’s Crush Your Run. This was not a decision we arrived at lightly, but one that we feel is necessary. 

We understand that it’s a difficult time for everyone and many families and individuals are struggling. Preston’s March is a small non-profit that has also been negatively impacted by this crisis. Even though we can’t have an event - Deb from Preston’s March is working closely with the families to get the adaptive bikes to the children immediately. They need this equipment now more than ever! As all of the bikes were prepaid upon time of order, we are working to ensure that all funds raised for this event are still going directly to support Preston’s March! 

Here’s how you can help:

  • Any donations already made through the RunSignUp site are being sent directly to Preston’s March.

  • We would like to encourage you to consider converting your race registration fee to a donation for Preston’s March to support them and keep their mission going. If you agree, you don’t need to take any action at this time.

  • If you do not want us to convert your race fee to a donation to Preston’s March, simply let us know within 15 days of receiving this email that you are requesting a refund and we will process it for you.

***If we don’t hear from you before midnight on May 6, 2020, we will close out the race and all funds will be sent to Preston’s March. Please email if you are requesting a refund ***

Thank you so much for all of your support and we can’t wait to see you at future Fusion Racing events! We hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy!

The Placers Team, Fusion Racing & Preston’s March for Energy


Deer Park Tavern
108 West Main Street
Newark, DE US 19711


We are all experiencing unprecedented change and uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Placers team is committed to continuing our mission with our Acts of Kindness Promise. In keeping with the spirit of that mission, we are also working diligently to ensure we keep our promises to Preston’s March and the 20 amazing children awaiting their bikes. 

We originally decided to postpone the race to a later date in 2020. However, based on the uncertain climate of when groups will once again be permitted to gather recreationally, we have decided to cancel this year’s Crush Your Run. This was not a decision we arrived at lightly, but one that we feel is necessary. 

We understand that it’s a difficult time for everyone and many families and individuals are struggling. Preston’s March is a small non-profit that has also been negatively impacted by this crisis. Even though we can’t have an event - Deb from Preston’s March is working closely with the families to get the adaptive bikes to the children immediately. They need this equipment now more than ever! As all of the bikes were prepaid upon time of order, we are working to ensure that all funds raised for this event are still going directly to support Preston’s March! 

Here’s how you can help:

  • Any donations already made through the RunSignUp site are being sent directly to Preston’s March.
    We would like to encourage you to consider converting your race registration fee to a donation for Preston’s March to support them and keep their mission going. If you agree, you don’t need to take any action at this time.
  • If you do not want us to convert your race fee to a donation to Preston’s March, simply let us know within 15 days of receiving this email that you are requesting a refund and we will process it for you. If we don’t hear from you within 15 days, we will close out the race and all funds will be sent to Preston’s March. 
    • Emails to request a refund should be sent before Midnight on May 6, 2020 to 
  • Thank you so much for all of your support and we can’t wait to see you at future Fusion Racing events! We hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy!

Our thoughts are with those impacted by COVID-19 in Delaware, the U.S., and abroad. In times of uncertainty, we need the support of our community most of all. We are proud that we continue to see and spread messages of hope and resilience by those impacted.

Placers must shift our caring and focus on the community to best help our employees, customers, suppliers, and partners that are being impacted. Today's workforce and workplace realities have once again shifted - and we would like to hear how we can help you today. The Placers office is currently open with staff working remotely. If you have a question or need help, please contact us at 877-746-8450.




Placers is proud to present the 2020 Crush Your Run 5K!

Come run through the streets of Newark with us. Upon completion of your race, Orange Crushes will be waiting for our 21 plus runners back at the famous Deer Park Tavern! 

This is a run/walk so come out regardless if this is your first 5K or if you're a veteran!

Proceeds from this event will be going to Preston's March for Energy.

Preston’s March was created with one goal in mind. With the overwhelming need for adaptive recreational equipment for children with disabilities and the concern for childhood obesity, the Preston’s March mission is to provide adaptive bikes to children with special needs.

Our Goal is to have 20 bikes given away to 20 kids on a waiting list to receive a bike and have them join us in the race! 

For more information about Preston's March please see their website here.

Join us! It warms our hearts every time a child is given a bike designed just for them! We want to share in spreading that joy with as many people as possible! 

Post Race Party at Deer Park Tavern from 9:30am till 11:30am

Each participant will get two drink tickets for Orange Crushes.


**Parking Notification:


There is no parking in the Deer Park parking lot for the event.

We highly recommend using the paid parking garage across the street from the Deer Park or a paid City of Newark Municipal lot.

Bib Pick Up and Race Day Details

Bib Pick Up and Registration

Saturday April 4th at the Deer Park Tavern

8:00AM till 8:45AM

5K Starts on Orchard Ave (follow arrows from Deer Park)

9:00AM Sharp

*make sure you give yourself enough time to park and get ready for the 5K

Post Race Party

Immediately following the 5K, there will be a post race party at Deer Park Tavern for all participants.

Food, Drinks, Bike Giveaways, and Music!

*Each 21+ participant will get two orange crush drink tickets

Awards and Age Groups

Awards for:

Overall Male/Female 

Overall Masters Male/Female 

Top 3 in each age group 

13 and under, 14-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+

Pre Race Packet Pick Up

Want to pick up your race bib and shirt early?

Join us on Friday April 3rd at Placers Staffing between the hours of 4:30 - 6:30PM

Located at 1501 Casho Mill Rd #9, Newark, DE 19711.

You can pick up for other people!  Please just have everyone's name written down on a piece of paper.


Course Map

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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