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Ronaween 2020 Virtual 5k/10k

Sat October 24, 2020 Any Town, FL 33543 US


Any Town, FL US 33543


***This race has ended. There are still a few medals remaining. If you wish to purchase one, please email us at

Check out our other races and challenges at:

This is no ordinary Halloween race, and 2020 is no ordinary year! This year it's Ronaween!

Join us on Saturday October 24, 2020. This is no ordinary virtual run. It's a unique virtual running event, with hundreds of runners who have already experienced and love our virtual race format.  Among other things, there is a scheduled race date and start time (Saturday October 24th at 8am Eastern time USA), a virtual check in and start via Facebook live-stream on race day morning, timekeeping (runners will provide screenshots or pictures of their chosen method of time and distance keeping), a private and active Facebook group dedicated to our virtual runners, and custom engraving on the back of the medal for age group winners. All participants will receive the custom Ronaween medal, with age group winners receiving the engraving on their medal back. Youth runners (17 and younger) will also receive one of the Halloween themed buffs pictured below (scroll all the way down).

******* If you cannot participate on the scheduled race date during the race window (8am to 11am Eastern time on race day), you can absolutely still register. Your medal will still be shipped. But, you won't be eligible for age group awards (engraving on your medal) or to be counted among the "official" times posted after race day.******

All registered runners should join private Facebook Group for access to positive discussions and posts regarding our virtual races, race day live-stream virtual check-in and virtual start (Please note, the Facebook group is very active and being used for other prior races including the Quarantine Run, Shoe Fanatic Run and Freedom Run, and Faster Than Baskin Run) . If you register on this runsignup page, you are registering for the Ronaween 2020 Virtual 5k/10k scheduled for October 24th, 2020.

Here is the Facebook Group link:

You are also encouraged to follow our business page, and check the events tab for our other fun and unique running events:

Race Date virtual check in and start time: Saturday October 24, 2020. Virtual check-in via live-stream in the Facebook group above starts at 7:00am Eastern time USA. Virtual race start via Facebook group above live-stream at 8:00am Eastern time USA. The live-stream will be going while you are running, and we will be waiting for you to complete your 5k or 10k during the race day window of 8am to 11am Eastern time USA. As noted above, if you cannot participate on/at the scheduled race date/time during the race day window, you can absolutely still register. Your medal will still be shipped. But, you won't be eligible for age group awards (engraving on your medal) or to be counted among the "official" times posted after race day.

Pricing includes shipping as quoted by our shipper, and the registration link is priced to include shipping costs within the Continental United States or Canada (please be sure to choose the correct registration for your location). Any runners outside the Continental United States or Canada may have an extra shipping charge, and will be contacted by the Race Director with the amount. Please note - Shipping is via USPS. There have been a few rumors in the news about the USPS having some sort of financial and other issues due to the COVID19 related shutdown. It seems highly unlikely our event's shipping will be affected. BUT, if it is, and changes out of our control must be made to shipping, all runners will be notified via email. We have found shipping to Canada to be very slow at this time.

Timekeeping: Race timing will operate on the honor system. Given the unique nature of each runner's situation, we will accept proof of completed 5k or 10k on race day via text (to be provided in pre-race emails). For example: Treadmill runners may text a picture of their treadmill console. Or, phone app users may screenshot their completed run on their phone app and text the picture. Or, runners using a fitness watch may snap a pic of their watch-face and text it in. You may run in any way that is safe, legal, and ethical in your area. This may be on a treadmill, trail, track, beach, sidewalk, laps around your house, laps inside your house, etc. It is entirely the runner's choice, and responsibility to maintain social distancing and follow all your own local laws, directives, regulations, etc.

Results for those who choose to run competitively will be published in the Facebook Group.

Age Groups for 5k or 10k runners' medals to be engraved (on back of the Ronaween medal)

Overall, Top 3, Male and Female.
01-09, Top 3, Male and Female.
10-14, Top 3, Male and Female.
15-19, Top 3, Male and Female.
20-24, Top 3, Male and Female.
25-29, Top 3, Male and Female.
30-34, Top 3, Male and Female.
35-39, Top 3, Male and Female.
40-44, Top 3, Male and Female.
45-49, Top 3, Male and Female.
50-54, Top 3, Male and Female.
55-59, Top 3, Male and Female.
60-64, Top 3, Male and Female.
65-69, Top 3, Male and Female.
70-79, Top 3, Male and Female.
80-89, Top 3, Male and Female.
90 and Over, Top 3, Male and Female.

Questions to:

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at

Custom race medal

Buff for youth runners 17 yrs old and under

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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