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Miles de Mayo Challenge Dos

Sat May 1 - Mon May 31 Deland, FL 32724 US Directions


All Over the Place
Deland, FL US 32724


Although last year, 2020, was an interesting one for most, wasn't the Miles de Mayo Challenge sooooo AWESOME!?!?!?!!  We loved it.  It turned out to be just what so many of us needed.  An outlet to get out and start training again, a way to touch base with old running/exercise pals, an awesome community to share your daily journey's with, and an obsession with how far can Derek Tinnin go and where will Chip Fist Bump today?

So . . . we are going to do it again and hope you guys are as excited as we are about it.  The 2021 version, Miles de Mayo Challenge Dos will be much like last years, but much easier logging miles (for those that did some of our other challenges already found out the new logging/tracking system)

We know that there are currently live events out there, trust us, we are stoked about it.  We want to get back to normal too.  But why not have this yearly Mileage Challenge be the new Normal.  No better time to kick start that training for Fall races, or maybe work on those summer bods, or just be a part of an awesome active online community and get a sweet shirt out of it.

This year we are keeping it simple and only hosting the Miles de Mayo Challenge (monthly miles) and not going to have The Sugar Skull 5k (virtual) like last year.  In addition to taking part of the daily tracking you will earn an awesome shirt (miles included) and a race buff.  This will be shipped to you mid June, as we will have to wait for final mile tallies before printing shirts.

So what is this Challenge:

Miles de Mayo Challenge Dos will be a month long mileage challenge (run, run/walk, walk).  The goal is to get as many miles as you possibly can, or really want, or think you want.  Really there is no correct amount.  We know that everyone has their own goals, and run or run/walk for their own personal reasons.  Therefore, we are putting this challenge together to just keep you motivated to accomplish whatever "your" goal is.  We will have a leaderboard and live daily standings so everyone knows where they sit among the other participants. Participants will be reaching different mileage levels (clubs) as the month goes on; earning them bragging rights and one of the following awesome t-shirts.

Earn one of the following shirts:

  • 75 Mile Completed
  • 100 Mile Completed
  • 150 Mile Completed
  • 200 Mile Completed
  • 250 Mile Completed
  • 300 Mile Completed

This event is awesome because age does not matter, pace does not matter; just make sure you get in the miles and have a way to prove it.

Like mentioned above, unlike last year, you will not email us in each day with miles and proof.  Our friends over at RunSignUp have simplified this method and right through your RunSignUp accounts you will submit your miles.

Although you will not submit the proof daily, please do make sure you have it.  It can be a picture of your watch or tracked in one of the many apps: Strava, Garmin Connect, Run Keeper, etc.  Just something that is proving that you actually ran or walked those miles.  This is incase we do need to verify mileage.  We encourage everyone to submit their miles daily, as this will create a "live" leaderboard and allow us to cheer on our fellow runners as well as motivate each other to get out the door and log the miles. This leaderboard is as good as everyone's honesty.  There is no reason to lie or cheat.  If you run 1.1 miles, log it.  If you run 31.1 miles, log it.

One amazing thing that came out of last years challenge was the Facebook group.  If you haven't already joined, you are missing out.  Here is a link The Red Pointer Productions Run/Walk Community.  Or copy and paste this link:

Please go to the Facebook Page and share pictures from your run, and anything else you are doing to stay fit and motivated.  This is the perfect place to encourage all your other fellow runners. This is a place that we can still be a group through all of this social distancing.

Again, we will be mailing out the T-Shirts and buffs mid June upon completion of the Challenge (month), so we can get you the correct mileage club shirt you have earned!!

Who will go the furthest, will we get all the states?  Only May will tell.

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