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The Jacksonville Great Fire Run

Sat May 3, 2025 Jacksonville, FL 32202 US Directions


5K Run/Walk

$34 7:30AM EDT - 10:00AM EDT Price increases after April 11, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

Untimed Walk

$24 7:30AM EDT - 10:00AM EDT Price increases after May 2, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT


Proceeds from this race are benefiting the Jacksonville History Center.  

Founded in 1929, the Center serves to educate and inspire the greater Jacksonville community to value its history by fostering understanding of how the region's past shapes our present.  Proceeds will help the JHC support:

Historic Preservation  *  Archives  *  Education  *  Operations


Join us on Saturday, May 3th, 2025 in downtown Jacksonville for the Jacksonville Great Fire Run 5km.  This race begins at the only church which survived the Great Fire of May 3, 1901. The Great Jacksonville Fire of 1901 was the largest metropolitan fire in the American South. The fire began on May 3, 1901, with a spark from a kitchen fire at lunchtime that ignited piles of drying Spanish moss at a nearby mattress factory.

Located at Davis and Beaver streets, the factory fire soon spread to most of the downtown area. Smoke could be seen as far north as Savannah, Georgia.

By 8:30 p.m., when the fire was brought under control, 2,368 buildings were destroyed, 10,000 people were homeless and seven residents were dead. In all, 146 city blocks were destroyed. 

Runner Amenities


All runners registered two weeks prior to the race are guaranteed to receive a cotton/tri-blend shirt of their requested size.   All shirt sizes are now setup with an "inventory"  Once a size has run out, it will no longer be available to choose during registration.  


All participants will receive a goodie bag with giveaways and vendor/sponsor handouts.


All finishers will receive a race medal

Race Awards


Overall Awards will be presented as follows:

Men - 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place
Women - 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place

MASTERS (Over 40)

Men - 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place
Women - 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place


Age group awards will be presented to the top three men and the top three women in the following age groups:
0-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79,  80 Plus

Runners will only receive one award:  overall, masters, or an age group award.  Over all awards are based off gun time, age group awards are based off chip time.

Race Course

The run starts and finishes at the Old St. Andrews Church, 317 A. Philip Randolph Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32202.   There will a water station at the turn around.

For a map of the course, please click on the link below:


Walkers have a choice for distance.  They may turn around at the .5 mile marker for a 1M walk distance.  Or they can continue to the 1.55 M turn around giving them a 5K walk distance.  The walk is untimed and not scored.

Event Schedule

Packet Pickup:

6:45-7:30 am


7:30am - Race 1 - 5km Start

7:30am - Walkers will start with the 5K Run *walkers should start near the back

Packet Pickup


Pre-race packet pickup will be held Friday.  ***Pickup is now available NOON till 6pm in front of the Old St. Andrew's Church; 317 A. Philip Randolph Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32202


Participants not able to make packet pickup prior to the race may pickup their packets at the race during the times listed on the Event Schedule.

Chip Timing

The race will be chip timed using a bib chip system.   Bibs will be distributed at the packet pickup.   All runners must cross the mat at the finish line with their chip properly attached to their bodies to score in the race.  

Race Information

As a charity event to support the Jacksonville History Center, refunds are not available for this race. If you are unable to participate for any reason, please consider your race fee to be a donation. 


Old St. Andrew's Church - Next to the Ballpark
317 A. Philip Randolph Blvd
Jacksonville, FL US 32202

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at


Event Parking will be hosted at the Jacksonville Fairgrounds

510 Fairground Pl 


Sponsorship Opportunity



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