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Get Moovin' Challenge

Sat May 1 - Sat July 31 Orlando, FL 32803 US Directions



The Milk District
Orlando, FL US 32803


Join your neighbors and virtual neighbors in this challenge. 

What is the Get Moovin' Challenge?
It is a virtual challenge created to get our neighbors moving around The Milk District, keeping new years' resolutions going and making decisions that promote an active lifestyle. After you choose your challenge, participants can get outside or on a treadmill to run or walk. If running is not your thing, you can bike, skate, do yoga or whatever gets you moovin'!

You set the goal, activity and submit your data to earn your awesome reward. A virtual fitness challenge is about completing a shorter distance quickly, longer distance over a month or an activity a day for 30 days.


Register for the Challenge that's right for you.
The event begins May 1, and you have until July 30, 2021 to submit results!
Log your workouts on the results page (click here) or connect your fitness tracker
We'll ship your awesome race swag to your door!
Post your photos using the hashtag #GetMoovin' 

We ship to the U.S. and Canada!  Packets will begin to ship out on August 9th!

Check out these Milk District businesses to help you get going. 

  • ATJ Fitness - Meal Planning and Virtual Personal Training
  • Crossfit Milk District - Crossfit and Personal Training
  • D1 Training (opening 2021)
  • Kyle's Bike Shop
  • Orlando Power Yoga
  • Orlando Skate Park shop
  • Sideward Brewing Run Club 
  • Whippoorwill Bike Club 

Check out these parks and amenities in the District. 

  • Basketball Hoops @ Orlando Festival Park
  • Beach Volleyball @ Orlando Festival Park
  • Cherry Tree Park
  • Joe Kittinger Park
  • Lake Underhill Path and Cady Way Trail
  • Orlando Skate Park

Proceeds of the challenge benefit The Milk District, a neighborhood of independent businesses in Orlando, Florida. 


2021 Get Moovin' Challenge Tee, Finisher Medal and Digital Bib

Wear this fun and fabulous shirt to celebrate your participation in this year's event!  Shirt back includes all event sponsors. All participants in the virtual race will receive a finishers medal.

Presenting Sponsor

Challenge Sponsor

Neighborhood Champions

Local Love

Supporting Partner

In-Kind Sponsors

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Sign up for the Get Mooving Challenge!
Once your registration is complete, you will receive a unique referral link to share with your friends, family or post on social media
Get 5 friends to sign up using your unique referral link and you will automatically receive up to a refund of $25.00. Boom!

Get Moovin' Playlist

We're putting together a challenge playlist to connect participants across the country.

Share up to three songs that MOOVE you for the playlist! 


Best Costume – Get some pep in your step and show us how you embody the challenge with what you wear! The winner will receive a Milk District Merch Pack worth $50.

  • To submit photo entries for Best Costume, share them on Instagram and Twitter using the hashtag #GetMoovinChallenge before July 31 at 2 p.m.  

Farthest Participant – We're always amazed to learn how far our Milk District family stretches. The challenge participant farthest away from Benenati Law Firm (2702 E Robinson St) will receive a $100 gift card to a Milk District business who ships nationwide, like Curate Fine Wines or Se7enbites.

Largest Team – Recruit your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc… to join your Get Moovin' Challenge team! The largest team will receive a plaque, have bragging rights and will be featured on our social media channels.

Local Check-in – Take it to the streets! Complete your goals in The Milk District and post photos a recognizable neighborhood spots to win.  The winner will receive a Milk District Merch Pack worth $50, by random drawing.

  • To submit photo entries for Local Check-in, share them on Instagram and Twitter using the hashtag #GetMoovinChallenge before July 31 at 2 p.m.  

Good Deed Prize – We will be seeing members of our community doing good works as they complete the Thirsty Do-Gooder challenge! Post photos of yourself out in the community and we'll highlight them on our Instagram stories, and choose one interesting, inspiring and innovative good deed to win a $100 gift certificate to a Milk District Member business of your choice.

  • To submit photo entries for good deed prize, share them on Instagram and Twitter using the hashtag #GetMoovinChallenge before July 31 at 2 p.m.  

Most referrals – Everyone who has five friends join through their referral code can receive a partial refund of their registration fee, but we all know those who's competetive spirit knows no bounds.  The participant with the most referrals by May 20th will win a $100 gift certificate to a Milk District Member business of your choice. 



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Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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