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Raytheon Peak Fitness Camp

Thu September 9 - Thu October 28 Palm Bay, FL 32905 US Directions


Raytheon Peak Fitness Camp

5:00PM EDT - 6:00PM EDT
Open to ages 17+.

Camp Website

Additional camp information can be found at


Raytheon Si Government Solutions
3520 Dixie Highway
Palm Bay, FL US 32905


Join your office mates in this great group camp environment where you have fun working out!  Decrease your stress level; increase your endurance; find strength and lose weight.  Group workouts are more fun than exercising alone and working out with friends makes it that much more fun and helps you stay accountable!  Peak Fitness is for any fitness level from the couch potato to the most fit athlete.

Camp Contact Info

If you have any questions about this camp, click the button below.


Camp Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your camp experience.

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