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the STOP IT 100 and 5K

Sat January 30 - Sat April 17 Buford, GA 30519 US


A 100 mile virtual race challenge. Run. Walk. Row. Ride. Bike. Swim.You have 2.5 months to complete. Along the way, trafficking statistics will be shared at mile marks. The race funds community level efforts to STOP trafficking through awareness, education and fundraising. The purpose of Go Against Traffick is to empower communities to STOP human traffickinig: children, women, labor. Knock off the miles and bring trafficking to its knees. Enrollment includes a long-sleeved STOP IT 100 logo quarter zip shirt, STOP IT  medal, and a race bib.  There will be awards for three different categories, 1. most participants recruited 2. most money raised 3. most posts to social media These will be awarded at the end of the race in April.

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