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Mon October 19 - Sat October 24 Virtual, GA 00000 US Directions


Virtual, GA US 00000


We can't wait for you to embark on this 5-day challenge with us. These 5-days are all about consistency, fresh air, exploring your neighborhood, and appreciating the little things. The 5K a day 5-day challenge is all about building stamina.

If you have had a mostly sedentary year, coming off an injury, or haven't had the time or energy to focus on you we highly recommend using one of our other 5-day challenge options to build yourself back up. You don't have to start at this level. There will be plenty of opportunities in the near future to push yourself and reach your health goals. On the other hand, if you are already active and walk, run, jog or bike several times a week but want to work on your consistency and building stamina this is the right challenge for you. 

Lace-up your sneakers, put a leash on your dog, put the cat in a stroller, or grab the kids, and enjoy the leaves as they begin to turn. You win no matter how long it takes to complete your 5K each day, or how many times you have to stop to work on manners with your dog, or how many flowers and leaves you collect with your children to make a beautiful fall bouquet to brighten your house. You win by purposefully getting up and moving each day. Even if you have to skip a day due to rain or your schedule gets the better of you. Don't beat yourself up you can get right back to it tomorrow. If you are super committed and timing isn't working out for you to get your 5K done outside you can put your smartphone in your pocket and march in place while listening to music or watching a movie. 

Invite your friends to take the 5-day challenge with you, whether virtually across the country or socially distancing with your next-door neighbor. Encourage then to start where they are. You can still cheer each other on and become accountability partners to check in each day. 

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