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Virtual Bootlegger 50K

Sat May 16 - Sun June 14

Virtual race Website

Additional virtual race information can be found at


Anywhere you choose to run, walk or bike a 50K. We don’t even care if you break it up into multiple segments and add them all together. Just get after it and don’t get caught with the whiskey!

Saturday, May 16th is World Wide Whiskey Day. The historic Whiskey Row refers to a block-long stretch from 101–133 W. Main Street that once served as home to the bourbon industry in Louisville, Kentucky. 101-133 is a difference of 32 and that is how we came up with the 50K number. This event will stay open until Sunday, June 14th, which is National Bourbon Day. We will launch round 2 on that date (hint, hint, hint).

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