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Wed June 12 - Thu August 8 Bloomington, IL 61705 US Directions


Sibling Discount Available

Mini Milers

Open to ages 5 - 12.

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Eagle View Park
4001 Baywood Road
Bloomington, IL US 61705


If your kids like to run, we've got a fun program just for them!  Mini Milers is a non-competitive 8 week running program designed for kids going into 1st through 5th grade.  It's a great opportunity for kids to run safely and correctly using good form, make friends and get stronger/build endurance so they can perform better in other sports, rock the mile in gym class, get ready for junior high cross-country, or just be active.  Most of all, our goal is to empower kids to accomplish their goals and instill in them a lifelong love of running.  The program is designed to accommodate all levels of fitness. Typical practices will consist of running-related games and activities that allow for walking and water breaks.  

Parents are welcome but not required to attend each workout.  However, we do ask that parents or guardians volunteer to chaperone at least two sessions during the program.

When:   Program runs will be at 8:00 am on Wednesday mornings and 5:30 pm on Thursday evenings.  Participants can attend one or both sessions each week. Our first practice is Wednesday, June 12. We will not meet on July 3 or 4. Our intention is to host a timed one mile run the last week as a culminating event for the program. 

Where: All workouts will be at Eagle View Park, 4001 Baywood Road, Bloomington. 

Program Cost: $45 for the first child, $85 for two children, $125 for three children (does not include race registration fee / children must be siblings for discounted fee).  There is a limit of 40 participants for this program. Registration for the Kids Run in August is an additional $15 and must be completed separately.

As part of the Mini Milers Kids Running program, participants will receive the following:

**Twice-weekly practice sessions.  Participants may attend one or both sessions.
**Weekly attendance awards and prizes
**Technical program t-shirt
**Special in-store Fleet Feet Bloomington shopping discounts for parents and participants only
**The opportunity to be active this summer and meet and have fun with other kids!

For more information or questions please email Julie Howell -

Race Contact Info

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Race Participant Survey

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