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Snowman Shuffle 2021

Fri January 1 - Sun January 10 Carterville, IL 62918 US Directions


Snowman Shuffle 2021

5:00AM CST - 11:59PM CST


700 Logan College Dr.
Carterville, IL US 62918


The 2021 Snowman Shuffle is going virtual! Instead of gathering at the starting line, registrants will be able to walk or run their 5k anywhere and anytime between Jan. 1 – Jan. 10th. Anytime between those dates grab your running friends and hit your own 5k course. Registration will include a new 2021 Snowman Shuffle long sleeve shirt. T-shirts may be picked up at Logan Fitness after January 4th. Though we are kicking off the new year a bit differently this time, let’s kick it off right. Cheers to health and wellness in 2021!

Race Contact Info

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Race Participant Survey

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