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Around Our Town Glow Race

Sat September 16, 2023 Directions



The Start & Finish Line will be in the Parking Lot behind Miller's Tavern across from the NVPD public parking lot.


North Vernon Main Street is proud to host the Second Annual Around Our Town GLOW Race - an event the whole family can enjoy!

We offer two types of races:
1. 5K distance (3.14 miles) that will start on Main Street across from the NVPD parking lot and wind its way through downtown North Vernon. Participants in the 5K can either run or walk - go at your own speed! 
2. 1-mile walk or run. This route loops you through the iconic areas of downtown North Vernon. 

The race will begin at 7:00pm across from the North Vernon Police Department parking lot. Participants can register through this portal before race day or on-site before the race begins.
Pre-registration will end at 9:00pm on Thursday, September 14th. On-site registration and pre-registered packet pick-up will begin at 5:30pm during the day of the race. 

Everyone will receive complimentary glow sticks to carry or wear during the event and special race goodies. Feel free to "glow it up" even more with your own GLOW outfit!

The purpose of the GLOW Race is to light up the night with some fun, showcase our downtown, and promote wellness in our community. We are raising money this year to support a mural project designed by our local youth that will be installed on the side of 263 E. Walnut Street in May 2024. Support our kids and support arts and culture by participating in this fun event!

After you finish the race, stay for the afterparty! We will have music, games, a beer garden, and more to make the evening fun and memorable.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at


The Start & Finish Line will be in the Parking Lot behind Miller's Tavern across from the NVPD public parking lot.

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