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Otterbein Elementary School Live & Virtual 5k Run/Walk

Sat May 6, 2023 Otterbein, IN 47970 US Directions


111 W Oxford St
Otterbein, IN US 47970


The 8th Otterbein Elementary 5K Run/Walk will be a Live and Virtual Run this year. There will also be a Live free 1k fun run for kids at the event. All proceeds from the event will go towards the Otterbein PTO. The funds used will go toward items for classrooms, updates to the school, class trips and more.  If you are out of state or don't feel comfortable to come to the live event, you have the option to do virtual and still support and run/walk the 5k.  There is a route on this website if you need a distance refence or have a route already made for you. You can run anytime on May 6th. After you run, you go on the website and put in your time. 

Students Fundraiser starts March 15 thru April 19, so we can give prizes before the race. A fundraiser letter will be coming to students at school that will give detailed directions on how to register students and/or add students to group(teacher) to upload money raised. The money raised by each student goes toward their registration fee and anything more will go to the PTO fund.

The theme this year is 80s and participants are encouraged to wear 80s attire. The best costume will be awarded at the event. So, grab your family and friends and get moving!  

Giva way: A T-shirt is a giveaway with registration of the 5k only.  Additional shirts may be purchased cost of $15.00 if you are 1k participant or would like another shirt.

T-Shirts guaranteed with registrations placed by April 20,2022 to be guaranteed to get a shirt.  Shirts will be available at the race but we may not have all sizes.

Registration is open now till May 5 1:00am, and then open day of race.

Registration for live: $25 per person + registration fee and includes a shirt and goodies. extra T-shirt for 15$

Virtual $30 per person (to cover the cost of shipping). 

Donate: A donate button is an option on the registration. The proceeds go to the Otterbein PTO. Otterbein PTO budget goes toward the needs of the school, classrooms, teachers, and fund field trips for students. *Otterbein PTO is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  All donations are tax deductible. 

Day of Race Registration:  7:30am

Race start 9 am

The 1k fun run will start at 9 am and 5k will start shortly after

Awards: medals for the top three finishers in each age group after the race.

Refreshments: sponsors have pledges water, fruit and granola bars for participants.

Thanks for supporting the Otterbein Elementary PTO


Race Contact Info

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