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Mon May 11 - Sun May 17 Plainfield, IN 46168 US

Nationwide Virtual Track Meet Events - $5

  • 400 Meter Dash (1/4 Mile)
  • 800 Meter Dash (1/2 Mile)
  • 1600 Meter (1 Mile)
  • 3200 Meter (2 Mile)

Choose to compete in up to 4 events per meet for $5. Simple, cheap pricing.



Track Never Quits

During this unprecedented time as our nation is quarantined in attempts to fight the COVID-19 Virus, our sport on a competitive scale has come to a screeching halt. We all have friends that are in prime shape ready to set season bests, or even personal records at “A” race spring marathons and road races throughout the country. We also have high school youth and young college adults that were primed for an epic 2020 Track season that is slipping away. As former high school and track athletes that still cherish those competitive years we simply couldn’t sit back, and let the months and stellar fitness that athletes have trained for, not have a platform to compete and shine. With today’s technology, the ample tracks sprinkled in communities throughout our country, treadmills, and smartwatches we don’t have to “skip” this track season completely.  We are excited to announce TRACKSback: Nationwide Virtual Track Meets for all ages and abilities. We hope that you will join us as we host a 10 week virtual track season allowing participants to pay one low price, compete in up to 4 events weekly, and be scored for the entire season. Results will showcase athletes from throughout our cities, states, and the nation.

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at

No Stuff, Just Sport....Kind of.

Like the heading says, there will be no race tee or medal with this TRACKSback: Nationwide Virtual Track Meet registration. Now, to address the "Kind of", if you register for 7 of the 10 meets of the season and we'll mail you a TRACKSback tee. We'll be in touch via email.

Also expect these perks with registration: 

  • 4 virtual events to race weekly
  • Online Results (Overall &  Age Group)
  • Weekly Custom Finisher Certificates
  • Virtual Support & Platform to Share Performances via Social Media

Submitting your Virtual Results

Complete your race events at any point in the week of Monday, May 11th - Sunday, May 17th. Then submit your results via email Sunday, May 17th - Tuesday, May 19th @ 11:59 PM EST. Make sure to opt into emails when registering, you will then receive email instructions on how to submit your virtual results at the end of the week.

Easy Peasy.


United Way: 
TRACKSback will provide 10% of every entry & 100% of donations made by participants to the United Way COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery Fund.
USATF Foundation: 
TRACKSback will donate 10% from all merchandise sold to the USATF Foundation to continue support for our sport, young elite  athletes, and training programs throughout our country.

Referral Refunds

We want you to tell your friends all about TRACKSback and we're not above bribing you! After you register you'll get a unique referral code. Share that with everyone you know. After 4 referrals you'll get your $5 meet entry fee refunded. 


TRACKSback Tees and Hoodies also available! Add on to your registration, purchase separately at The RMP Shop or at The TRACKshack. TRACKSback will donate 10% from all merchandise sold to the USATF Foundation to continue support for our sport, young elite  athletes, and training programs throughout our country.


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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