Valparaiso, IN US 46385
Fall victories are made with summer gains. Are you up for the challenge? This summer, test yourself with our Bearcat Summer Mileage Challenge. Over the course of 8 weeks, challenge yourself with consistent mileage to achieve a spot in the 100, 200, 300, or even 400 mile club. Minimum donation of $30 to join the challenge. All proceeds will directly benefit The Wheeler Running Club. Donations can be made here. Go Bearcats!
- Timeline: The Bearcat Summer Mileage Challenge will start Monday 5/31 and end Sunday 7/25 (8 weeks in total)
- Rules: All miles you run, bike, swim, or walk/hike during this time will count towards your total and may earn you unique awards
- All miles must be entered through this tracking site in order to be counted towards your total (instructions on how to enter your mileage can be found below). All activities should also be uploaded to Strava, if possible. How to upload activities to Strava
- Once you register for the Challenge, you will gain access to the Bearcat Summer Mileage Challenge Strava Club and Facebook group where weekly leaderboards and additional information will be posted
- Miles accumulated by swimming count at about a 1:4 ratio (every 400yds swam equals 1 mile ran)
- Miles accumulated by biking count at a 3:1 ratio (every 3 miles biked equals 1 mile ran)
- All other non-motorized, wheeled modes of transportation (ie. roller blades, scooters, skateboards, longboards, etc) count at a 3:1 ratio (every 3 miles travelled equals 1 mile ran)
- Only running, biking (and other non-motorized equipment), swimming, and walking/hiking count towards total mileage - treadmills and stationary bikes may be used, but ellipticals and rowing machines do not count
There are 4 tiers of total mileage to strive for - 100, 200, 300, and 400 miles. Each participant will receive a fine looking commemorative Bearcat Summer Mileage T-shirt, regardless of total mileage. However, your total mileage will determine the color of the shirt --> 0-99, 100-199, 200-299, 300-399, 400+. Additional awards and the criteria for earning them may be announced later in the challenge. (Note: Wheeler XC athletes must complete at least 100 miles to earn a t-shirt)
Tracking your mileage is super easy thanks to the awesome software from RunSignup. Once you do it a few times you'll get into the hang of it! More detailed instructions can be viewed here
- Login to RunSignup. We recommend letting it remember your username/password as you'll be here often!
- Navigate to the Results/Leaderboard page. We recommend bookmarking this page so you can find it quickly everyday.
- Click "Submit Virtual Results"
- You will be shown a calendar, select the current day or the day for which you are entering the miles.
- A second box says "Distance in Miles", add the mileage you ran that day (make sure you convert bike and swim distances to running miles).
- Click "Submit your time"
- Done!
- When you go to submit your next activity, click "Add Another Activity", it's the blue button at the bottom! This way you don't overwrite your previous activity!
RunSignup will automatically update your total distance and show you your total progression to date!
Tips and Tricks
- It's best to enter your distance daily. Obviously life happens and you will perhaps not be able to every day, that's okay!
- If you miss a span of days/weeks, it's perfectly acceptable to enter data in a 'dump' if you will. E.g., if you ran 37 miles over the past 10 days, it's acceptable to enter that 37 miles as one entry, please just accurately input the time so as to keep the average pace correct.
- For those athletes who "double" (that is, run/walk twice or perhaps more in a day), simply total the mileage that day and submit one entry. E.g., Allison runs 4 miles in the morning and then does another 6 that night. She should make one entry for 10 miles that day
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.