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Color 4 a Cause

Sat April 15, 2023 Valparaiso, IN 46383 US Directions


1600 Chapel Dr.
Valparaiso, IN US 46383


This year, the Social Action Leadership Team (SALT) is working to raise $25,000 for our World Relief Campaign (WRC). This year's WRC is Redefining Reentry: Opportunities for Redemption. The funds from this year’s WRC will go to the Community Change Center. The goal of Redefining Reentry is to help fund a year of operation for two reentry homes. Additionally, the WRC will support a part time project manager and two transitional house managers to oversee the homes. 

In participating in this race, either in-person or virtually, you will be supporting SALT's mission to raise $25,000 for the Community Change Center and help to work to break the cycle of injustice in our criminal justice system. To follow our campaign efforts, follow SALT on Instagram or Facebook @valposalt. You can also follow Color 4 a Cause on Facebook or @salt_5k on Instagram for updates about the race. To make a donation, please use the Facebook Donation button, visit our website or checks can be made out to the World Relief Campaign and sent to 1600 Chapel Drive, Valparaiso, IN 46383. Questions may be directed to Lilly Gramza, World Relief Campaign Chair at . If you have any questions about our Color 4 a Cause 5K, please email us at 

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