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D.S. Mothers Day 10K

Sat May 8, 2021 Junction City, KS 66441 US Directions

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


700 N. Jefferson St
Junction City, KS US 66441


This run begins on your watch for virtual runners and at 0830hrs at South Park, Junction City, KS for our in-person runners. 

This race is to honor Moms for taking care of us and being able to raise amazing kids into amazing adults! This is your chance to show mom how much you care.

Participants can run in this 10K for FREE but must pay a small fee to enter into the race. Race participants will receive a finishers medal and have the chance to win a prize.

10K Racers registration - $45 

• 10K top age groups for Male & Female winners will receive a trophy. 

All runners and racers will receive a race day bib, water, and fruit.
• NO Team Attendance trophy for the group with the largest number of registered participants

• Finisher medals will be on sale for $25 for non racers. T Shirts for non racers will be on sale for $20.

All racers that register before May 5th will receive a short-sleeve race shirt with their paid registration*. After this date, shirts and sizes are not guaranteed.

NO REFUNDS due to non participation. If this race is canceled due to COVID-19, partial refunds or exchanges will be issued.

**The race route will be marked with posters and black arrows spray painted on the road.

***Due to the limited amount of registrants, roads will not be closed to traffic. For streets opened to traffic, runners must run on the sidewalk or right side of the road. Runners must look out and or give the right away to vehicles as well.

Due to COVID-19, we are limiting the number of participants for this race in order to be able to properly socially distance. Be advised: We will use a Forehead thermometer to check your temperature when you pick up your packet. If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or a fever on race day, please stay home. Masks may be removed during your run but please social distance when possible during the run. 

Cancellation/Refund Policy
We have a No refund policy. If you are unable to participate in the event, or the event is cancelled, you can still receive your shirt and medal. You can switch to virtual by running the race on your own time and on your own course. If you can’t make the event you are responsible for picking up your shirt and medal at packet pick up. We will not cancel for cold, rain drizzle, or snow. The only cause for cancellation would be hazardous and adverse weather conditions (ice, severe winds, lightning, heavy rain showers, thunderstorms, etc). We will try our best to reschedule the race first. If cancellation is necessary, we will do our best to inform you via email, announcements and posts on Dilbert Sports Running Club , and on our website at Dilbert Sports © . Any shirts that have not been picked up at packet pick-up on race day are open for late registration participants. If you want to guarantee that your shirt will be available, you need to pick up your packet at one of the packet pick up locations/times. If you're an member of Dilbert Sports Running Club at you may request a full refund for any and all races hosted by Dilbert Sports.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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