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Zombie Eclipse 5K run/walk

Fri August 18, 2017 Cadiz, KY 42211 US Directions


482 Lakota Drive
Cadiz United Methodist Church
Cadiz, KY US 42211


Trigg County Hospital Foundation presents the Zombie Eclipse 5K Run/Walk Friday August 18, 2017.  Come join us as we begin a weekend filled with activities in preparation for the Solar Eclipse on 8/21/17.  Cadiz KY is the pinnacle of the eclipse.  The 5K will begin at Cadiz United Methodist Church and will continue through the Apache Heights subdivision of Arrowhead Golf Course.  Late registration and packet pickup will begin at 7pm on race evening at the Cadiz United Methodist Church.

Medals awarded to:

1st place overall male and female

1st, 2nd and 3rd in the following age divisions:

10 & under; 11-15; 16-19; 20-29;30-39;40-49;50-59;60-69;70+

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