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Mon June 15 - Thu July 30 Louisville, KY 40299 US Directions


We are very lucky to be part of such an active trail community. We all love, and simultaneously hate, big climbs. But, here is a chance to be the virtual King/Queen of the mountain and the G.O.A.T (greatest of all time) while working your way up those hills.

Our Mountain G.O.A.T. Challenge is geared towards the dirt(y) minded who hit the trails on a  regular basis. For one month you can log your daily miles, time and elevation gain (honors system). Reach benchmarks like:

6,643 ft Clingmans Dome (Smoky Mountains)

7,972 ft Machu Picchu (Peru)

8,839 ft Half Dome (Yosemite National Park)

11,020 ft Monte Fitz Roy (Patagonia) 

14,115 ft Pikes Peak (Colorado) 

15,780 ft Monte Blanc (France/Italy)

20,310 ft Denali (Alaska)

29,029 ft Everest (Nepal/China)

Make it past Mt Everest and you are a new Reinhold Messner!

Submitting Results

 Results Submittal
Log your results through the Results Page on this site. (RSU has shortened the process now, to where you can use the last 4 digits of your phone to log in).
Enter your: Miles Run/Hiked/Biked and the Elevation Gain for that route. Use your GPS device to get this information. If you don't have a GPS devices, use one of the many trail mapping map apps to trace your route and get the total Elevation Gain.
You can even phone a friend and ask them about the route you did.
Stil have questions? Feel free to reach out to us at

Race Swag


Be the G.O.A.T

All participants in the Mountain G.O.A.T Challenge will receive a PERSONALIZED 8"x8" finishers award, made by the great folks at Thomas Woodworking. Plaque will have your name and your elevation climbed over the course of the challenge
Everyone will also receive a runners hat featuring the distinctive logo. (S,M,L)

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Louisville, KY US 40299

Race Sponsors


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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