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WaterStep 2nd Annual Virtual 5K Run/Walk

Sat May 22 - Wed June 30


How does a Virtual 5K work, you ask?

Unlike a normal 5K (3.1 miles), a Virtual 5K allows you to run or walk in any location. You can participate by yourself or with a group (following social distancing guidelines) at your own speed, starting whenever it’s convenient for you between the dedicated race dates.

Follow these steps:

  1. Register on this website for the WaterStep Virtual 5K Run/Walk.
  2. Any time between now and June 30, complete a 5K Run or Walk. You can utilize a GPS watch or a smartphone to record your distance. CLICK HERE to find apps you can use to do your tracking.
  3. Share your Virtual 5K experience on social media using #WaterStep5k and tagging @waterstepintl on Instagram, @Waterstep on Facebook, or @WaterStep on Twitter.
  4. Once you’ve completed your 5K, return to our race website to submit your results. The website will walk you through this process.
  5. After completion, you’ll receive an email verifying your results were recorded and a printable certificate to commemorate your WaterStep race experience.

Mark Hogg, Founder & CEO, is honored to remember Bill Parker:

“WaterStep’s 5K will gather people to embrace one of Bill Parker’s dreams: that no child should suffer from waterborne illness. May we be encouraged that the passions of children around the world might be unleashed to do more than they ever dreamed.

When one’s life journey and experience collide with fresh passion, those looking on, are often inspired. Living life with my friend Bill Parker, people came away encouraged to hear his passion for God, listen to great stories and know his love of family and desire to impact lives. As a result, when we listened to Bill, our own stories had a way of being drawn out into the open. There was adventure at hand.  And, the way he challenged people to embrace something bigger than themselves, changed the world.”

Interested in making a donation? Text "Waterstep5k" to 44321 to donate today, visit our website (, OR mail a check to WaterStep at 625 Myrtle Street, Louisville, KY 40208.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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