Your Next Challenge Starts JULY 1st! (and ends January 1st)
Gorgeous BLING For All Challengers!
Boston to Bar Harbor 2020 Course
You will start your challenge from Boston Common and make your way, city-by-city (the long way), to Bar Harbor.

Major Milestones
Boston: Mile 0
Providence: Mile 50
Newport: Mile 80
Mystic: Mile 139
Hartford: Mile 195
Brattleboro: Mile 275
Burlington: Mile 400
MT Washington: Mile 535
Bangor: Mile 690
Acadia National Park: Mile 737
Bar Harbor: Mile 750 - THE FINISH LINE!
Earn Milestone Badges Along Your Way
Live Map Tracking!
You will be able to see your progress along the route as you enter your mileage! Our live map tracking feature will even allow you to see where your fellow challengers are on the map compared to you - now that's some motivation!
What Is Food Insecurity?
What is food insecurity?
Food insecurity describes a household’s inability to provide enough food for every person to live an active, healthy life. Food insecurity is one way we can measure and assess the risk of hunger. In the United States currently one in nine people struggle with hunger.
What causes food insecurity?
One "bad month" can be enough to plunge a household into food insecurity. Layoffs at work, unexpected car maintenance or an accident on the job can suddenly force a family to choose between buying food and paying bills. A global pandemic can dramatically heighten this vulnerability.
That’s why many working families, including thousands of households who don’t qualify for federal nutrition assistance, depend on local food banks to help make ends meet during difficult times.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.