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The Diamono Project's 1st Annual Run, Ride, Walk, and Roll 5K!

Anytime between May 14th and May 16th 2021!


Anywhere in the world!


To celebrate the Diamono Project's launch anniversary, we are hosting a virtual 5K!

Here's how it works:

  1. Register for one of our events (5K, 10K, or half marathon)
  2. Get your swag bag in the mail
  3. Run, walk, ride, or roll 5 kilometers (or more!) on the weekend of out launch-iversary (May 14-16 2021)

You can get your distance in anywhere you want! Get outside and go for a nice stroll, jog, or run. Maybe that's not your thing, so you can grab a set of wheels (like bike, roller skates, wheelchair, skateboard, long board, penny board, scooter, or anything that rolls). Do you prefer the comfort of the great indoors? Hop on your treadmill, elliptical, or bike. You can even measure out your room and do laps inside (5K=16404.2 ft, 10K=32808.4 ft, 1/2 Marathon=69217.5 feet). For our friends who love water sports, you can swim or row the distance too. Our virtual race is made for everyone!

Registration ends April 14th 2021

Virtual race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this virtual race, click the button below.

Virtual race Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your virtual race experience.

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