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The Big Run

Wed June 5, 2019 Longmeadow, MA 01106 US Directions



6:00PM EDT


680 Bliss Road
Longmeadow, MA US 01106


Be a part of something Big.

For the third year, Fleet Feet and Brooks will come together on June 5 to host The Big Run. The
annual nationwide 5K brings thousands of runners together on Global Running Day to do what
we love most—run.

Last year, 16,000 runners logged 25,000 miles at more than 100 events in more than 20 states.
Help us top that number this year.

Because we want to bring running to more communities; we want more people to set goals and
meet them; we want more people to experience that feeling of accomplishment as they cross
the finish line.

Because running changes everything.

Oh, and did we mention there will be prizes?

All results from certified, timed 5K races will funnel into a national leaderboard to determine the
overall male and female winners as well as the fastest runners in each age group. Those
winners will receive cash prizes.

But it's not just about winning—we will also recognize other runners with unique awards,

● Common Ground: Finish with the most common finish time for The Big Run, and we'll
enter you into a drawing for something BIG!
● Middle of the Pack: We'll recognize the male and female who finish in the exact middle
of all The Big Run results.
● Social Butterflies: We'll thank the two people with the most-engaged social media
posts from The Big Run with some pretty sweet prizes. Include #thebigrun,
@brooksrunning and @fleetfeetsports in the post to be eligible.

Search #thebigrun on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter to see how our epic coast-to-coast
running community celebrated at The Big Run last year.
Not sure where to begin? Visit your local Fleet Feet to see when the next local 5K training
program begins! We're here to help.

About Fleet Feet: Committed to offering expert advice, intelligent products, personalized
solutions, robust training programs, and 24 / 7 brand access at , each Fleet Feet
location serves runners based on the belief that Running Changes Everything. #LetsGo .

About Brooks Running Company
Brooks Running Company sells its performance footwear, apparel, sports bras and accessories
in more than 50 countries worldwide. Brooks’ purpose is to inspire everyone to run and be
active by creating innovative gear designed to keep runners running longer, farther and faster.
This purpose is supported by Brooks’ Run Happy philosophy, a quest to celebrate and
champion the sport of running and all runners everywhere. Founded 1914, Brooks is a
subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and is headquartered in Seattle. Visit for more information or follow us on Twitter ( @brooksrunning ),
Facebook ( ) and Instagram at (@brooksrunning).

Run Contact Info

If you have any questions about this Run, click the button below.


Run Survey

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