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Wertz Til it Hurts Memorial 5K

Fri April 2 - Mon April 5 Marlborough, MA 01752 US


Your Town
Marlborough, MA US 01752


On April 1, 2020 we lost a shred angel.  On the morning of April 2 it will be one year since we found out our Shred Brother Josh Wertz had passed from a brain trauma.  Josh was one of those guys that no matter what was going on in his life he was always there to lend a smile, ear and make you laugh so hard you were crying for a good reason.  He always made sure you were OK.  After Shred 1 Josh changed his career path and got his certification in personal training.  He found his passion and mission in life was to help people better themselves.  Josh was for some of us our confidant and close friend even though we never met in person.  For all of us shredders he is our brother.  

On Saturday April 3 we are holding the first virtual #WertzTilItHurts 5K in honor of Josh.  The entry fee is $35.  Post race you will receive a commemorative medal drawn by Shred Brother and pop culture artist Daviid Clayton Hopper.  All proceeds from this race will be donated to the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation which specializes in cutting-edge research to find cures for mental illness.  You can learn more about their cause here:

For the race let's have a little fun in Josh's honor!   He was a HUGE wrestling fan.  The ask:  either dress as your favorite wrestler OR grab a blank t-shirt and a sharpie and design your own shirt.  Include a special message to Josh on the shirt.  Be sure to post your race selfies in either the Alumni group or in BS4 with #WertzTilItHurts.  You can complete the race anytime on Saturday April 3.  

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