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Healthy Point Running - Winter Series

Mon December 14 - Sun May 2 Quincy, MA 02169 US


14B Alleyne St
Quincy, MA US 02169


Have you always wanted to "be a runner"? You watch those runners blissfully bopping down the sidewalk in the morning. HOW DO THEY MAKE IT LOOK SO EASY?!?!

You've tackled a 5k or two, or maybe even a 10k but you've always had that little question in the back of you head... could I do a half marathon? It seems so far!  Or maybe, how much faster can I run?

Have you set a goal to run a race more times than miles you actually ran for training? You sign up for a race because you think it will motivate you, but then race day gets closer and closer and you haven't started training yet?

If these sound familiar, you are in the right place! We want to help you cross your first 5k, 10k or half marathon finish line healthy, happy and wanting more even if it is a virtual finish line!


What's included with registration?: 

  • Virtual Runner readiness screening with RedPoint Physical Therapy
  • Weekly training schedule based on distance
  • Virtual Runner specific strength and mobility class
  • Runner support 
  • Nutrition workshop
  • Group support and encouragement via Facebook Group
  • Discounts on full running assessments, customized training programs, individual nutrition coaching, cardio metabolic testing, and more!
  • Winter series Tshirt and Medal


5K #1 - Training starts 12/14/2020, Race Weekend 3/6-3/7/2021
5K #2 - Training starts 1/11/2021, Race Weekend 4/3-4/4/2021
5K #3 - Training starts 2/8/2021, Race Weekend 5/1-5/2/2021

10K #1 - Training starts 12/14/2020, Race Weekend 4/3-4/4/2021
10K #2 - Training starts 1/11/2021, Race Weekend 5/1-5/2/2021

Half Marathon - Training starts 12/14/2020, Race Weekend 5/1-5/2/2021

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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