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St. Anne's School of Annapolis 2020 Turkey Trot

Wed November 25 - Wed December 2 Annapolis, MD 21403 US


3112 Arundel on the Bay Road
Annapolis, MD US 21403


Virtual Race! Anyone, Anywhere Can Participate!

Each year, our class turkeys trot through the school lobby as the race to meet our Annual Fund goal heats up in November. Several families requested that our school community trot right along with the turkeys, so now you can! 

All are welcome to the St. Anne's School of Annapolis 2020 Turkey Trot event. This event is a family-friendly race with all proceeds benefiting the SASA Annual Fund which maintains and strengthens the educational programs for our 230 students and provides thoughtful resources for our faculty and facilities. Our Annual Fund goal of $250,000 covers the 15% of operating expenses not met via tuition revenue. St. Anne's School depends on the Annual Fund and the generosity of parent, grandparent, alumni, staff, and friends to support and enrich its programs and curricula and bridge this funding gap.

What do you get with this registration?:

  • Race shirt – Registration must be completed by November 12, 2020 in order to receive your t-shirt prior to November 23. Registrations after November 16 will receive the closest size to your request with pickup available after December 1.
  • Printable digital race bib
  • Race results in a searchable format
  • Staying healthy by participating in this event!!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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