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Complete your race/run anytime between May 23 - 31, 2020. Any City - Any State, MD 99999 US


Children's Aid, Inc. invites you to be a part of our inaugural Virtual 5k Run & 1 Mile Family Fun Run!  All proceeds will support Operation Backpack which will provide 350 Calvert County students in need with backpacks and basic school supplies. This year, Operation Backpack distribution will only take place once social restrictions have been lifted to ensure everyone's safety. But, we are very excited to host this special event which will also serve as a celebration for students returning to their schools.

The race will take place any day from Saturday, May 23rd until Monday, May 31st.  Because this is a virtual race, you decide when and where you complete your race.  Have a treadmill at home?  Great!  Enjoy the feel of the road under your feet?  Awesome! Take it to the streets! 

Is there a better way to spread joy and positivity than to get outside, exercise, and support a non-profit organization that serves our community as well.  Whether you're training for another race or just want to get moving, you can choose the distance and the method. Gather your friends, family, and colleagues to participate in this fun and family-friendly event.  Wear costumes!  Have fun!  As an optional bonus, join MapMyRun to connect with your local community or challenge your friends.

Prizes   All 5K participants will receive a virtual race bib and a race medal. Results and awards for overall winners of the 5K race will be given.  Families who complete the Family Fun Run with receive a small trophy for their family.  Additionally, awards will be given out for the following categories:  Most Creative Team/Best Costumes. Biggest Fundraiser and Loudest team (on Social Media).

You have until May 31 to complete your virtual race.  Once you've completed your race, post a picture on the event page with the hashtags #CAIVirtual and #RaceBack2School.  We can't wait to see all our runners' great pictures!  


Virtual race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this virtual race, click the button below.


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Virtual race Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your virtual race experience.

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