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Genesee Valley Ultra

Sat March 29 - Sun March 30, 2025 Parkton, MD 21120 US Directions


24hr - Individual

$160 incl. $10 Fee Registration ends March 28, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

24hr-4 Person Team-Create Team

$631 incl. $31 Fee Registration ends March 28, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

24hr - 4 Person Team - Join Team

$0 Registration ends March 30, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

12hr - Individual

$128.20 incl. $8.20 Fee Registration ends March 28, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

12hr-2 Person Team-Create Team

$255.40 incl. $15.40 Fee Registration ends March 28, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

12hr - 2 Person Team, Join Team

$0 Registration ends March 29, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

6hr - Individual

$96.40 incl. $6.40 Fee Registration ends March 28, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

6 Hr - 2 Person Team, Create Team

$128.20 incl. $8.20 Fee Registration ends March 28, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT



1717 Rayville Rd
Parkton, MD US 21120


Genessee Valley Ultra is a 2.5 mile trail loop at Genessee Valley Outdoor Learning Center in Parkton, MD. Runners have 24, 12, or 6 hours to complete as many loops as possible. Awards will be presented to the overall winner in each category. This will be a chip timed event. In the event of a tie for number of loops overall time will be used to determine the winner.




-The race will begin at 9AM on Saturday March 29th. All runners must complete their final lap by 9AM on Sunday March 30th. Any loop completed after 9AM will not count towards a runners overall total.




- Runners will be required to begin carrying/running with a headlamp starting one hour before sunset.




- Primary race nutrition is the resposibility of the runner. Snacks and beverages will be available throughout the event.  




Check In, Packet Pick Up, and Camp Set Up will begin on Friday March 28th at 3:30PM. Participants will recieve their race materials and be directed to the camping area. NO CAMPER VANS/RVs will be allowed in the camping area(they can be parked in the parking lot, but not in the camping area).




NO PETS are allowed on the property.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



This will be a 2.5 mile loop course consisting of farm roads, grass fields, and a small amount of double track.

The course is on private property. Running the course before race day is not allowed. The course will be open Friday afternoon/night for preview.

This is a chip timed event.

Start and Finish will be in the same spot, with an "exit" just before the for runners to refuel as needed. This exit will also be where relay teams will exchange their bibs before beginning another loop.  Solo racers will have the option to set up an aid table along the course prior to the finish line and course exit. These tables may be used to stage items needed during the race. These tables must be accessed from the course and runners may not leave the course except through the designated "exit." 

Voluteers will be stationed at the exit to help us keep track of who is on course. If you plan on returning to your camp we ask that you use the exit to help us keep track of runners.If you decide to end your run early, please turn in your bib number to the volunteer or the timing crew.

Start time is 9AM on Saturday March 23. 

Racers must complete their final lap before 9AM on Sunday March 24. Uncompleted laps by the cutoff time are not counted in overall time/mileage. Final time will be based on last timed checkpoint.

Course Map:

Elevation Profile:

Relay Teams

Relay teams are considered any registered racers in a Team of 2 or Team of 4. Relay teams can be all female, all male, or coed.

Relay Teams may exchange whenever they want within the exchange area. A runner/team can decide how they want to break up the running.  There is no set amount of time or number of laps that a runner needs to run or a set order for runners to run on teams. Runner 1 may run as many loops as they like before exchanging bibs to Runner 2 and so on.

Example 1:

Runner 1 Runs 1 Lap Exchanges Bib

Runner 2 Runs 1 Lap Exchanges Bib

Runner 3 Runs 1 Lap Exchanges Bib

Runner 4 Runs 1 Lap Exchanges BIb

Example 2:

Runner 1 Runs 3 Laps Exchanges Bib

Runner 2 Runs 1 Lap Exchanges Bib

Runner 3 Runs 2 Laps Exchanges Bib

Runner 4 Runs 5 Laps Exchanges Bib


No RV's or Camper Vans will be allowed in the Main Village area. They may be parked in the parking lot and utilized there.

This location is a working farm, there are animals on the property and because of this, NO PETS will be allowed on property.

Camping Area Map:

The green line indicates the start/finish line. The red zone is the transition area gateway that can be utilized to refill water, refuel, and exchange bibs for relay teams. A recovery tent with massage guns and foam rollers will be located in this area. Food and beverages will be located outside the building. Medical will be located inside the building.

The Camping area is in the yellow, it is a large grass field. Teams will be allowed to set up a 10x20 space to use during the race. Site location will be on a first come first serve basis. Check In/camp set up will begin Friday March 24th at 3:30PM.

Parking is located across the road and indicated by the black P on the map. 

Schedule of Events

Friday, March 28th, 2025

          3:30PM Registration/Athlete Check In Opens

          4:30PM Course Preview - Course will be open for Preview.

          6:30PM Course Closes

          7:00PM Race Registration Closes

          8:30PM Athlete Check In Closes

          10:00PM Quiet Hours Begin

Saturday, March 29 2025

          7:00AM Athlete Check In Opens/Quiet hours end

          8:30AM Race Brief

          9:00AM Race Starts - All athletes will start together in a Mass Start

          3:00PM 6 Hour Race Ends

          3:30PM 6 Hour Race Awards Ceremony

          6:00PM Racers must begin carrying a light source on course.

          6:30PM Pacers may begin escorting individual 12 hour and 24 hour runners.

          9:00PM 12 Hour Race Ends

          10:00PM Quiet hours begin.

Sunday, March 30, 2025

          7:00AM Quiet hours end

          7:30AM Racers No Longer need to leave start/finish line with a light source.

          9:00AM All Loops must be completed.

          10:00AM Awards Ceremony for 12 Hour and 24 Hour Race. (Subject to change) 


Pacers will be allowed ONLY for individual runners, teams may NOT use pacers. It is your responsibility to recruit a pacer if desired. Pacers need to register via the link below so that we have waivers on file and a record of who will potentially be on course. Pacers will not be allowed on course until 6:30PM. Only one pacer may accompany a runner at a time. Pacers must wear a yellow jersey, which will be issued at athlete check in, and announce themselves to the timers as they come down the finish chute. A non-marked or unannounced runner in the finish chute can result in disqualification for the registered runner/team. Pacers may not carry any aid for their runner, they may only carry what they need. Pacers will also need to be carrying a source of light during the required time frame. Pacers will not receive finisher medals or shirts.


Interested in Learning More?

We will contact you with more information about our race.

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