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26.2 Mile Challenge for Hope benefiting Van Andel Institute

Thu October 1 - Sun November 1 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 US Directions


333 Bostwick Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI US 49503


26.2 Mile Challenge for Hope benefits biomedical research and science education programs at Van Andel Institute.

Van Andel Institute is committed to improving the health and enhancing the lives of current and future generations through cutting-edge biomedical research and innovative educational offerings. Established in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1996 by the Van Andel family, VAI is now home to more than 400 scientists, educators and support staff, who work with a growing number of national and international collaborators to foster discovery.

Institute scientists study the origins of cancer, Parkinson’s and other diseases and translate their findings into breakthrough prevention and treatment strategies. Our educators develop inquiry-based approaches for K–12 education to help students and teachers prepare the next generation of problem-solvers, while our Graduate School offers a rigorous, research-intensive Ph.D. program in molecular and cellular biology.


A virtual run/walk challenge is like a traditional race, except participants complete the miles entirely on their own schedule. There is no required location nor a mandatory time of day in which to complete the event. We hope to challenge participants to get outside to stay active and healthy.

Our challenge is 26.2 miles for hope. You can run or walk, and once you complete your registration, the next step is to conquer the distance! The challenge begins on October 1 and ends on November 1.

You can log a mile a day or do all 26.2 miles at once. It’s entirely up to you. The important thing is to complete the distance, stay safe and have fun!

Each participant will receive an official virtual challenge shirt.

We will also be providing incentives and prizes to participants who choose to do fundraising in addition to logging their miles.

If you raise at least $100 by November 1, your $26.20 registration fee will be refunded to you!

Additional fundraising incentives include:

Raise $150 - Van Andel Institute Purple Community Visor 
Raise $250 - Van Andel Institute Purple Community Infuser Water Bottle 
Raise $500 - Van Andel Institute Purple Community Mug 
Raise $750 - Van Andel Institute Purple Community Sporty Sling Backpack 
Raise $1,000 - Van Andel Institute Purple Community Backpack Cooler 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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