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New Years Eve Run, Walk & Ramble 5K

Tue December 31, 2019 Holland, MI 49423 US Directions


New Years Eve Run, Walk & Ramble 5K

6:10PM EST - 8:00PM EST


168th 13th East Street
Dow Center/Hope College
Holland, MI US 49423


This event is a non-competitve fun run/walk, bring the family, kids and dogs kind of event. This is our 26th year and we are looking forward to another great event. It's hard to believe its been 26th years…. This event is designed to encourage you to end your year on a good note and to bring your New Years Resolution one step closer. The proceeds from this event at donated to; Girls on the Run, Total Trek Quest and Holland High Cross Country. Participants will receive a long  sleeve tech shirt with an adult entry and a long sleeve tech tee with a kids entry. 

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