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Big Bay Relay

Sat May 17, 2025 Marquette, MI 49855 US Directions


Big Bay Relay

$165 8:00AM EDT - 1:00PM EDT Finishers medallion for each runner.


846 Hawley Street
Marquette, MI US 49855


What is the Big Bay Relay?

Teams come together to go further than they ever have on a course that stretches from Marquette, MI to Big Bay, MI with friends and a community of runners by their side.

Your relay experience is as competitive as you make it. Rally your team and challenge the other teams in your division for the top ranking, or simply make it your goal to cross the finish line together! The Big Bay Relay is about coming together as a team and going further than you could as an individual. From an elite runner to the novice runner, Big Bay Relay is the perfect race for anyone.

When Is It?

The 47th Annual Race will be held on Saturday May 17th, 2025

Starts @ 8:00am at the Kaufman Sports Complex

Finishes @ Draver Park, Big Bay

How It Works

Teams are composed of five runners for adults and up to seven for youth teams. Teams cover 26-ish miles, starting in Marquette, MI and ending in Big Bay, MI. Runners run approximately 1 mile each before handing the baton to a teammate and resting until it is their turn again. While one person is running, the rest of your teammates are on support duty in your race vehicle. As each runner begins, the crew in the vehicle drives ahead and meets them at the exchange point to pick them up and drop off the next runner.

Race History

In spring of 1972, Marquette held its first Big Bay Relay coordinated by Race Director Karen Kunkle and her husband Jack. The first race brought only ten relay teams and has grown to include over fifty teams in the past several years. A note in the Upper Peninsula Road Runners Club named the Big Bay Relay the 1990 Race of the Year.

Some relay teams have been racing for more than 20 years and hold a special place as part of the annual race’s history. If you are an elite runner who wants to compete, or a group of friends that want to try something adventurous, this picturesque relay is for you. For 47 years the Big Bay Relay has been uniting community members, families and friends, and we want you to be a part of this year’s race!

A community member describes the race- “That is what it is about: having fun with your friends and family while doing something healthy”.

Registration fees are $165+fee per team until April 13th. $190+fee April 14th until May 11th. $210+fee May 12th until May 14th. Registration divisions include five person all-female, all-male, or mixed teams and seven person junior division teams. All team members will get race swag.  Shirts are available for purchase. This year all proceeds benefit the walk/hike/bike/ski trails in Powell Township. If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions please contact Marcia Gonstead @ 906-345-0149, or by e-mail at

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at



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